1898年4月21日,美國為了幫古巴革命軍反對西班牙殖民壓迫,於是對西班牙宣戰。古巴革命軍已與西班牙交戰多年,但美國介入古巴國內衝突,意味著他們成為與革命軍併肩作戰的盟軍。美國沒有保留中立的餘地,因此,國內衝突擴大成全面戰爭。 1898年4月20日,美國國會泰勒法案允許古巴人日後獨立,因此,美國有義務幫古巴建立共和國。美國在古巴成立美國軍事政府,戰後美國被任命為主要佔領權國。
其中第一條 - 西班牙放棄對古巴的所有權益。第二條 - 西班牙割讓波多黎各和關島給美國。第三條 - 西班牙割讓菲律賓給美國。
經由美國臺灣政府TGUSA和全體臺灣人的努力,2014年4月3日美國國務院亞太助理國務卿羅素(Daniel Russel)於美國參議院外交委員會聽證會證詞中首次指出,美國強烈支持臺灣自治 (Strong United States support for Taiwan autonomy also helps give our friends in Taiwan the confidence to strengthen their cross-Strait relations, as we have seen in recent years美國支持台灣的自治(autonomy)能協助台灣的朋友有信心增強處理海峽兩邊關係。
Taiwan does not formally participate in international coalitions or exercises. However, Taiwan uses defensive materials and services provided by the United States to enhance its humanitarian assistance capacity. 台灣不能正式參加國際聯合演習,但台灣利用美國提供的防衛物資和服務增進了人道救援的能力。
Evaluating U.S. Policy on Taiwan on the 35th Anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act
聯合國1950年安全理事會 9:1 否決中國對臺灣有主權
1950年8月24日 中國外長周恩來代表中國政府,向聯合國安理會提出了 “美國侵略台灣”的控訴,控告美國干涉中國內政,侵犯中國主權。
1950年9月29日 聯合國安理會通過決議,將中國控訴“美國侵略台灣案”列入聯大議程,辯論於1950年11月30日終結後、安理會以 9 : 1 否決 "中國控美案"。聯合國安理會已經給了美國及【原610萬臺澎住民】一個正式的答覆:中國對台灣沒有主權、這就是原點 、美國才是現今本土臺灣人(原610萬臺澎住民及其後代)要解開的【結】。
Fri, Dec 26, 2014 - Page 8
A history lesson is required
OnDec. 10, 1898, Spain and the US signed the Treaty of Paris and according toArticle I, Spain relinquished all claim of sovereignty over and title to Cuba.With Article II Spain ceded Puerto Rico and Guam to the US, and with ArticleIII ceded the Philippines to the US.
OnApril 21, 1898, the US declared war on Spain to aid the Cuban insurgencyagainst Spanish colonial oppression. The Cuban insurgency had been raging formany years, but the US entrance into the domestic conflict meant that they werealso co-belligerents of the Cuban insurgency. There was no American neutralityto be preserved and thus the conflict widened beyond a domestic conflict into afull-fledged war.
OnApril 20, 1898, the Teller Resolution promised Cuba independence and thus theUS was obligating itself to a Cuban republic. With the establishment of the USMilitary Government on Cuba, it became the principle occupying authority. TheTreaty of Paris had Spain cede Cuba to the occupying government, not any Cubanrepublic. US Congress signed the Platt Amendment on March 2, 1901, and theRepublic of Cuba gained formal independence on May 20, 1902.
Afterthe Cuban Revolution in 1959, relations between the US and Cuba deteriorated,and on Jan. 3, 1961, the US withdrew diplomatic recognition of the Cubangovernment.
OnOct. 22, 1962, then-US president John F. Kennedy notified Americans about thepresence of Russian nuclear missiles, explained his decision to enact a navalblockade around Cuba and made it clear that the US was prepared to use militaryforce if necessary to neutralize this perceived threat to national security. Adisaster was avoided when the US agreed to then-Soviet leader NikitaKhrushchev’s offer to remove the missiles in exchange for a US promise not toinvade Cuba. Kennedy also secretly agreed to remove US missiles from Turkey.
OnDec. 17, US President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro announcedthe beginning of a process to normalize relations between the US and Cuba. Itends 53 years of hostile relations. The announcement has been welcomed andsupported by most Americans and Cubans.
Cuba’s109,884km2 of territory is about three times larger than Taiwan. Taiwan’spopulation of more than 23 million is about twice that of Cuba. The two nationsshare an almost identical history, being relinquished by a peace treaty to theUS Military Government.
Eventoday, the US military is still the principal occupying power of Taiwan underArticles 4b and 23 of the San Francisco Peace Treaty. Taiwanese are happy forthe Cuban restoration of diplomatic recognition by the US, but they are sorrythat Taiwan’s status is continually ignored by Washington.
OnJune 27, 1950, then-US president Harry Truman issued a statement that endedwith: “The determination of the future status of Formosa [Taiwan] must awaitthe restoration of security in the Pacific, a peace settlement with Japan, orconsideration by the United Nations.”
Peacewith Japan was settled in 1952, but the San Francisco treaty’s designation ofthe US military as the temporary sovereign of Taiwan remains unchanged.
TheThree Joint Communiques and the Taiwan Relations Act are repeatedly quoted as US policy on the Taiwan issue.The US has clearly separated China and Taiwan onwritten documents. The “one China” issue is now China’s issue.The TaiwanRelations Act says Taiwan is not the Republic of China (ROC). Unfortunately,most Taiwanese still think Taiwan is the ROC and the ROC is Taiwan. Thatillusion has trapped Taiwan, excluding it from UN membership and making it thesole political orphan in the international community.
Public opinion was made clear atlast month’s nine-in-one elections. Hopefully, the younger generation can lookin-depth at the core issue of Taiwan’s international status. It is time toclearly separate Taiwan from the ROC and Taiwan from China. And Obama needs to be reminded that the US has unfinished business in Taiwan. Hopefully, he can fix it before his presidency ends.
John Hsieh
Hayward, California