1) 要求對話: 1945 年二戰結束後到現在將近70年, 美方從來沒有跟臺灣人對話, 也沒有傾聽過臺灣人的聲音, 針對臺灣的前途,我們誠執的要求美國應該與臺灣人對話及傾聽臺灣人的心聲. ............
2) 要求以「臺灣護照」通關: 2013年 6月底臺灣政府已將預定要發行的護照送交美國國務院要求通關的方便, 但直到今天都還沒得到回覆. 基於天賦人權, 臺灣政府有照顧臺灣人民的義務, 懇請美國給予【臺灣護照】通關的方便......
3) 要求協助取回臺灣人的辨公室大樓:2014年 7 月我們有意取回在臺灣南投的辨公室大樓 (前中興新村省政府) 做為臺灣政府為臺灣人民服務的地點;但無奈、由於流亡政權的暴力驅離而功敗垂成;但依據國際法、臺灣關係法, 臺灣人民有權利使用這些屬於臺灣的資產, 在此我們請求美國協助取回臺灣人的辨公大樓.
1) http://www.taiwangovernmentusa.org/declaration-of-taiwan-autonomous-government.html
2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrU-Lp9n6ZU&feature=youtu.be
此 致
美國總統 歐巴馬(Barack Hussein Obama II)先生台鑑
December 18, 2014
Dear Mr. President Obama,
We petition the federal government of the USA for doing the following for the inhabitants and their off springs of Formosa (Taiwan) and the Pescadores.
1) For the past 70 years after World War II, US has never had dialogue with native Formosans, has never heard the voice of native Formosans. For the future of Taiwan, we sincerely ask for a dialogue between US and native Formosans so US will hear their voices.
2) Native Formosans are not Chinese and should not hold a passport issued by Republic of China which is an exiled government in Taipei, Taiwan. In June 2013, Taiwan Government has sent in a sample passport for US State Department's approval for native Forman to hold when passing US's custom.
We have not heard from US as of now and it's our sincere request that US grant this privilege to Formosans for consideration of Formosans' human right.
3) Based on international laws and Taiwan Relations Act, Native Formosans have right to use the properties that belong to Formosans. We sincerely request US to help Taiwan Government to take back the administration building located in Zhong-Sing Village in Nantou for Taiwan Government's administrative usage.
Your attention to this Appeal will be greatly appreciated.
Gavin C.Y. Tsai
Premier, Taiwan Government- USA
TEL: 886-2-26521850 Email: yuantsai@gate.sinica.edu.tw