美牛問題 AIT:應讓台灣消費者自由選購
AIT發言人金明 Mark Zimmer
針對開放美國肉品是否會影響台灣加入TPP關鍵因素?金明表示, 只要準備好、贏得所有TPP會員國的共識就可以加入,目前TPP的12個會員國還在進行相關協商與討論。(陳培煌/台北報導)
針對開放美國肉品是否會影響台灣加入TPP關鍵因素?金明表示, 只要準備好、贏得所有TPP會員國的共識就可以加入,目前TPP的12個會員國還在進行相關協商與討論。(陳培煌/台北報導)
DPP (民進黨) Quote of the Day:
“The Ministry of Health and Welfare says that cow bone marrow and blood vessels are not considered organs, and thus has asked the Food and Drug Administration to allow imports,” DPP Legislator Lin Shu-fen (林淑芬) said in a message on Facebook. “The US government has been given an inch, and is taking a yard — I wonder if Taiwan is a US colony?”
AIT 美國在台協會Quote of the Day:
Meanwhile, American Institute in Taiwan spokesperson Mark Zimmer 金明said that in all bilateral trade and economic discussions, the US raises the importance for Taiwan to base its food safety regulations on established science and ensure laws and regulations that affect agricultural market access are in line with Taiwan’s bilateral and international trade commitments.
International standards bodies judge US meat exports safe, and Taiwanese consumers should have the freedom to choose to purchase them, Zimmer said.
He added that US agricultural exports are not the cause of Taiwan’s food safety challenges.
民進黨够笨、不曉得 "以小換大" 的大道理 (Comments:相思台)
相思台 注:
1) 建議民進黨立法委員要詳研美國臺灣關係法,美國從未把臺灣當成殖民地;相反的美國支持臺灣自治,將臺灣視同如國家(非de jure的法理國家)
Comments: (Jeff Gear)
What a wonderful idea! The DPP politicians have revealed their true colors of trade protectionism again. DPP politicians have not demonstrated that US beef is dangerous unlike the food made inside the ROC and PRC. The DPP politicians have a knack for making American food safety sound like "The Jungle" in 1900.
The Jungle was a story on the miserable conditions of food factory workers in the US. This grotesque story spurred the creation of food safety standards and health inspections. The ROC Food Safety and Sanitation Law has not protected Taiwan from food scares by Taiwanese companies.
The DPP has started a trade war with the Americans. This is just the first shot and I suspect that AIT will not be kind or generous to the DPP (or KMT) on it.
The ROC Legislative Yuan has failed again. That is so embarrassing but then ROC supporters are not the sharpest tools in the shed.