20150815 TAG White Paper - English ( 白皮書 英文原稿


本譯文(漢字版) :是台灣自治政府 致信 聯合國日內瓦辦事處  總主管( Mr. Michael Møller, Director General)  抄本的意譯、兹提供鄉親參考 ; 順道提醒、呼籲民進黨要[懸崖勒馬, 回頭是岸]  。
陳辰光    謹上  2015-09-21
San Jose, CA USA
萬國宮,1211 Geneeve ,瑞士,
邁克爾·默勒先生 總主管
Dear 邁克爾·默勒先生 台照:
贊!  聯合國認為中華民國流亡政權的護照無效!
  雖然聯合國一直在一般規則 , 命令守護門口單位 ,  誰攜帶《中華民國》的任何證件都不被允許進入聯合國大樓 , 世界上任何地方都一樣  [ 中華民國流亡政權的護照是無效的 ] 。    台灣人並不知道或沒有信息得知中華民國流亡政權的護照或身份證 ,  在很多地方是無效的。    這是因為在台灣所有媒體,基本上、都是恐怖分子中華民國流亡政權控制下的殖民工具、   劊子手集團不擁有台灣主權 ,  但怕露馬腳 ,   怕台灣人站起來的 [ 民族屠滅案 ]   的一環。
蘋果日報在台灣披露消息說 ,  有一個婦人試圖以中華民國流亡政權的護照訪問日內瓦聯合國 ,  在門口吃上了閉門羹 ,  並被守門職員嗆說「拿中國護照再來」等語。聯合國認為台灣人須用中華人民共和國 PRC 護照才能進入聯合國大樓的報導是稀稀鬆平常事。
( 看!中華民國流亡政權是保護不了台灣人的權益 ! 2016 年後 ,  中華民國流亡政權民進黨亦保不了台灣人 !  等著瞧 !)
http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/life/breakingnews/1446139  ( 進不去就是進不了 !  美國總統 托馬斯·杰斐遜說 丟掉它、換個新的! )
聯合國工作人員的常識是相當令人質疑的;    諸如秘書長潘基文先生也曾犯錯公開說:台灣屬於中國 ;  此發言則受到美國國務院的強烈反駁 ,  台灣不屬於中國也不是中華民國的領土。   美國總統杜魯門   於 1950 年 6 月 27 日下令美國第七艦隊進入台灣海峽,以保持它的中立與和平 ,  到現在 2015 年始終不變、其向第 7 艦隊群的任務命令仍然是有效的。    台灣問題是美國的尚未完成的義務之一。    美國是對 SFPT art.2 ( b 至 f )中列出的領土的主要佔領權國 (SFPT 第 23條 -A- )。也就是說 b 台灣到 f 南沙群島是美國依 SFPT 規定的權力及義務 ,  自不待言。
在智庫 - 外交政策研究所的以下論述困擾很多台灣人。
在國際爭論中 , 美國在中國南海爭論中似“不中立”?
US 'not neutral' in South China Sea? A rebuttal
Mark J. 瓦倫西亞( “ 美國在中國南海爭端的 ” 中立性 “ 的問題 ”; 8 月 11 日)在最近的一篇文章,  抱怨說 ;   美國正在巧妙地處理雙方在中國南海的爭端。美國高級官員  -  國務院的助理國務卿負責東亞和太平洋事務的丹尼爾 · 羅素 ,  在 7 月 21 日  –  曾經表示,美國不偏袒任何一方的爭端,並認為美國是 “ 中性的,當涉及到遵守國際法 “ 。
瓦倫西亞先生指出,美國甚至不是一個條約締約國。他認為美國是敷衍塞責 ,  並擔心美國正在 “虛偽加上虛偽 ” ,而且是加入真正對手的掠奪陣營。   (這可能是解釋美國站在中華人民共和國的中國南海問題的立場而不利菲律賓 ,  而在第二條 b 項也偏向於中華民國流亡恐怖主義台灣的殖民統治者實際有效控制的武裝難民恐怖分子。)
請不要再向台灣人說 ,  拿中國護照來進聯合國大廈 ,  因為中國護照是無法證明台灣人身份的 [ 不合法的廢紙 ]   。
相反地 ,  我們會努力創造出比中國或中華民國流亡政權的 [ 不合法的廢紙 ]   更好 、更客觀而有力的合法證件。    【台灣自治政府基金會】是在美國加州登記的社團法人 ,  也是全球唯一不承認中華民國流亡政權的台灣人團隊。
我們將很快的在幾週內再次提出   有關〔雙贏萬福計劃 ], 再度洽商 - 聯合國難民署 (UNHCR) 、努力說服  UNHCR 了解台灣真相 , 在聯合國組織內完成歷史上的空前壯舉 ; 這將是繼美國林肯總統之後的  [ 解放台灣奴隸宣言 ],  台灣人要脫離自稱中華民國劊子手集團的殖民統治 , 也要完全從中國妄自菲大的《自古臺灣為中國領土》的中國式幻想獲得解放。
敬請 察情辦理為荷。
Nieco M. H. Tsai  2015 年 9 月 20 日



United Nations office at Geneva (UNOG)
Palais des Nations,
1211 Geneeve, Switzerland,
Attn: Mr. Michael Møller, Director General
Dear Mr. Michael Møller:
Bravo!  UN to deny the Passport of ROC in exile
Although it has been the general rule to the Door Keeper unit not to allow the person who carry the id or pass-port of the Republic of China in exile to enter the building of United Nations, the people of Taiwan has no knowledge or no information of the incapability of the passport or ID of the Republic of China in exile.  It is because all media on Taiwan is basically under the control of the terrorist bandit who self-styled as the Republic of China.
One of the newspaper, Apple, on Taiwan leaks that  a person tried to visit the building of United Nations in Genève, Switzerland and was refused at the door, with the comments of the passport of Republic of China is not acceptable, and UN considers you have to bring the passport of the People's Republic of China to enter this UN building reported by Apple newspaper. http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20150916/693079/
The common knowledge of UN staffs is  rather questionable.  Once the General Secretary
Mr. Ban Ki-moon commented Taiwan belonged to PRC and was criticized by the USA Department of State  that Taiwan does not belong neither to PRC nor ROC.     USA President Truman, on June 27, 1950 ordered the U.S. 7th Fleet into the Taiwan Straits to keep its neutrality and peace even now on 2015, the mission is still effective.  The Taiwan question is one of the unfinished business of USA due to USA is the principal occupying force (SFPT art.23-a) of the territory listed on SFPT art.2 (b to f); b is Taiwan and f is the Fiery Cross Reef i.e. Spratly Islands.
The following comments in Foreign Policy Research Institute bothers very much of the people of Taiwan.
US 'not neutral' in South China Sea? A rebuttal
The recent article by Mark J. Valencia ("The issue of US 'neutrality' in South China Sea disputes"; Aug 11) complains that the United States is subtly taking sides in the South China Sea disputes. Senior US officials - most recently Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel Russel on July 21 - have stated that the United States does not take sides in the disputes, and that the US is "neutral when it comes to adherence to international law".
Mr Russel explained that the disputes should be resolved through diplomacy and in accordance with international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Unclos).
Mr.  Valencia notes that the United States is not even a party to the treaty. He sees prevarication, and worries that the US is being "disingenuous and hypocritical", and is really in the camp of rival claimants. (It could be interpret USA is in favor to PRC on the China South Sea issue and is in favor to ROC in exile the terrorism Colonial Ruler of Taiwan.)
Please be kindly requested stop to ask the people of Taiwan to bring the pass-port of the People's Republic of China (PRC) to visit UN building.  It is also one of the illegal documents.
Instead of the pass-port of PRC and or ROC in exile, the most reasonable and legal paper is the Travel Document issued by us, the Taiwan Autonomy Foundation, registered in California, USA, as the only Formosan Juridical Foundation.
We will appeal again (We wrote them a few month ago and no response from them, yet.)  United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) regarding the workable, the more than win-win project very soon in a few weeks.
Very Sincerely,
Nieco M. H. Tsai
Encl: The White Paper 2015, issued by Taiwan Automony.
cc:  UNHCR  (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: Case Postale 2500, CH-1211 Genève 2 Dépôt, Switzerland.

台網友參觀聯合國 遭嗆「拿中國護照再來」

有網友分享遭 日內瓦聯合國總部拒絕參觀的經歷。(圖擷取自蔡淯鈴臉書)

2015-09-16  11:55


  • 聯合國拒絕原因為「台灣屬於中國的一部份」,需有中國護照或身份證才得進入,讓網友感到相當不滿。(圖擷取自蔡淯鈴臉書)


蔡淯鈴表示:「這是歧視 (discrimination),沒有任何白紙黑字的公告,就不准許人進去參觀。」結果對方請出資深人員出面,強調「這本護照和身份證都不被接受(not accepted)」,並說「台灣屬於中國的一部份。能否請妳拿出妳的中國護照或是中國身份證,只要妳拿出來,妳就可以進去參觀。」




日內瓦聯合國歐洲總部 會議大廳