臺灣人 你還在等什麼?
1) 美國已絕口不提 "中華民國" 。
2) 中國國務院已不再敢抗議美國干涉中國「內政」。
3) 流亡中華民國體制也惦惦不敢出聲...
臺灣(自治)政府 謹
Web: 1) https://taiwanautonomy.ning.com/
- 為何美國一面拒絕承認中華民國,但卻又一直支持中華民國對台統治,在臺灣關係法裡美國已明文斷絕承認中華民國,但美國為何不支持台灣建立自己的國家?
- 誰是今日台灣的主權者?是美國、中國、日本、還是台灣?美國一再告訴我們台灣沒有獨立,不享有國家主權。
- 美國是否仍為,舊金山和平條約授權下,台灣的主要佔領權國?
- 美國軍事政府,何時可以宣佈終止對台的軍事佔領?麥克阿瑟將軍於一九四五年九月二日,頒布第一號將軍令,授權蔣介石開啟對台的軍事佔領。六十九年已經過去了,但是該道軍令仍未撤除。
- 台灣人民何時可以享有,業已被延誤多時的住民自決?台灣人民應享有該項權力。
- 台灣人不是中國人,請幫我們驗證台灣人民的國籍。台灣人民被視同中華民國國民,但台灣不是中華民國,中華民國不是台灣。
White House: Taiwan to decide
May 9, 2014 the White House officially responded to all the petitioners of the Sunflower Movement’s claim which Taiwanese requested through the White House website “We the People”. http://wh.gov/lVtTR
The original request was created on March 18, 2014 and met the website requirement of 100,000 signatures by April 17, 2014. As of May 9, 2014 it recorded with 118,630 signatures. The original petition “Oppose Trade Agreement between Taiwan and China” pointed out “President Ma is trying to ignore normal review procedure and enforce to pass the trade agreement between Taiwan and China without any line-by-line review. This agreement will only benefit the China economy. Moreover, Taiwan will be invaded gradually: Taiwanese democracy will erode by Chinese dictatorship.”
The White House’s official response: “The United States supports Taiwan's vibrant democracy, which allows for robust political dialogue on a range of issues. The future of the Cross-Strait Trade in Services Agreement is an issue for the people on Taiwan to decide. We hope the discussion can be conducted peacefully and civilly.
As a policy matter, maintenance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait is in the political, security, and economic interest of the United States. We support peaceful resolution of cross-Strait differences in a manner acceptable to people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and we are opposed to any effort to resolve cross-Strait differences through intimidation, coercion, or military force.
Tell us what you think about this response and We the People.”
This is the first time that the White House directly response to Taiwan people’s claim, although it sounds like a belated effort does provide any timely help to the movement and students. Sometimes, we even think the justice does not come in time is meaningless and unjust. However, the White House does open a channel of us to tell them what we think.
Yes, there are a lot of questions we need the White House to tell us:
- Why does the U.S. one hand reject recognition of ROC but the other hand still support ROC rules over Taiwan? In the Taiwan Relation Act, the U.S. does not recognize the ROC at all. But why not the U.S. endorses Taiwan to build her own nation?
- Who is the sovereign of Taiwan today? Is it USA, China, Japan or Taiwan? The U.S. government keeps telling Taiwan is not an independent country does not enjoy the sovereignty as a nation.
- Is the United States still, under the San Francisco Peace Treaty, the principal occupying powers of Taiwan?
- When can the USMG terminate the military occupation on Taiwan? General Douglas MacArthur place the General Order No. 1 on September 2, 1945 launched the military occupation on Taiwan by Chiang Kai-shek. But 69 years has gone by and it has not been terminated yet.
- When can the people of Taiwan exercise the over delayed rights of Self-Determination? Taiwan people are entitled to have the rights.
- We are Taiwanese not Chinese. Please help us to identify our citizenship. Taiwanese are deemed as the nationals of ROC. But Taiwan is not ROC and ROC is not Taiwan.
The Sunflower Movement has caused the worldwide attention even the China President Xi expressed he will like to directly communicate with the Taiwan students. We appreciate the millenarian generation stand out to fight for their future and the Taiwan future. In Taiwan we enjoy the highest education standard in the world but we always lack of the firm decision to be our own boss.
It is a sad history of Taiwan in the past 400 years Taiwan’s fate is always controlled and decided by the outsiders not those who live on the island. 1985 while China and Japan had a war and Taiwan was ceded. 1950 while the Korean War erupted Taiwan's self-determination was delayed. It is time for Taiwanese to decisively voice out what we want and act to build the nation we want. The White House has given us a clear message that the future of the Cross-Strait Trade in Service Agreement is an issue for the people on Taiwan to decide, we believe, so does the future of Taiwan is an issue for the people on Taiwan to decide, Self-Determination.
John Hsieh
Hayward, CA
尊敬的國務院助卿 羅素先生
一張合照和您一句美國支持【臺灣自治Taiwan Autonomy 】、帶給我們從70年的政治煉獄中重新獲得勇氣與希望。Yes,我們將會致力建設一個由臺灣人創制(by) 的、屬於(of) 臺灣人的、一切為(for) 臺灣人的【台灣自治政府】。然後,我們將以【自治政府】的名義(身份)参與美日安保、為亞洲再平衡和亞太軸心戰略而做出貢獻。
主席 蔡明法
美國臺灣政府與美國務院助理國務卿 羅素相會相見歡!( Hot !)
Quote from Hon.Daniel Russel 美國國務院亞太助卿羅素 04-03-2014
Strong United States support for Taiwan autonomy also helps give our friends in Taiwan the confidence to strengthen their cross-Strait relations, as we have seen in recent years
Taiwan does not formally participate in international coalitions or exercises. However, Taiwan uses defensive materials and services provided by the United States to enhance its humanitarian assistance capacity.
https://taiwanautonomy.ning.com/about22 台灣人民依國際法、1952年的「舊金山和平條約」及1979年的美國「台灣關係法」為根據,承認台灣依然是美國佔領保護之下的土地。基此,台灣人民經過68年的曲折努力,終於在2013年4月25日於美國華盛頓DC的National Press Club (國家記者俱樂部)宣佈台灣政府成立。
Evaluating U.S. Policy on Taiwan on the 35th Anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act
Daniel R. Russel
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Testimony Before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Washington, DC
April 3, 2014
Thank you for inviting me to this special subcommittee meeting on Taiwan. Next week is the 35th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA). I wish to commend you, Mr. Chairman, for your leadership and many years of strong interest on behalf of U.S.-Taiwan relations and their role in regional prosperity and stability.
The unofficial U.S.-Taiwan relationship has never been stronger than it is today, and it underscores our firm commitment to the Taiwan Relations Act. Strengthening our relations with Taiwan and our longstanding friendship with the people on Taiwan remains a key element of the U.S. strategic rebalance to the Asia-Pacific. U.S.-Taiwan relations are grounded in history, respect for democracy and human rights, respect for international rules and norms, a growing economic partnership, and enduring security cooperation.
Taiwan’s status today as a top 20 world economy is a testimony to the diligence of the people on Taiwan and to the success of the TRA. It is a leading player in regional development, conservation, and assistance efforts – as it confidently engages the People’s Republic of China.
The United States has an abiding interest in peace and stability across the Strait. Toward that end, the United States supports and encourages improvements in cross-Strait relations, albeit at a pace acceptable to the people on both sides. Strong United States support for Taiwan autonomy also helps give our friends in Taiwan the confidence to strengthen their cross-Strait relations, as we have seen in recent years. At the same time, we support Taiwan’s effort to participate in the international community in a manner befitting a large economy and modern society with a great deal to contribute.