這一部份的臺灣人乃依國際法1952年舊金山和平條約第23條 (有49個國家簽名認證) 寫信給臺灣的主要佔領權國 - 美國國務卿凱瑞;要求美國要公平對待臺灣人、要承認臺灣自治政府所發行的護照 云云…;
美國臺灣政府TGUSA 臺灣問題研習班 https://taiwanautonomy.ning.com/bd/6657613:ArticleEntry:668
The Secretary Mr. John F. Kerry
US Department of State
2201 C Street, NW.
Washington DC. 20520
Dear Secretary Mr. John F. Kerry:
Germany is much strict and faithful to the law!
The enclosed Url (Link ) telling Taiwan travelers, Taiwan immigrants and all Formosan living in Germany that there is no state called Taiwan, no state called ROC or ROC in exile or whatever.  From the beginning of this year of 2014, Taiwan peoples under the ROC flag, all Taiwanese is now treated as their nationality is China (The people's Republic of China) by the government of Germany.
Germany visa system has no more Taiwan as the state:
If we accept the foundation of the united state is the honesty, then, we have to agree with what German Government has been adjusting their policy on the people of Taiwan.  The US spokesperson Ms. Jen Psaki spoke bravely to PRC on the issue of Hong Kong Election of their the Chief Executive. We wish that "The same principle shall apply to the people of  Taiwan".  No more ROC Terrorists on Taiwan. No more ruined ROC and the staled ROC constitution on Taiwan! 
The Effective Control by ROC in exile shall be replaced by [Taiwan Autonomy] of Formosan, by Formosan and for Formosan.  It is the Justice and it is the right way to protect the interest of USA.
The Germany Immigration put Formosan as Chinese is also a wrong decision, thus, we have to appeal them to accept Formosan who carries Taiwan passport issued by [Taiwan Government-USA], no matter Formosan is classified as [Taiwan] or [Stateless] category.
We, Taiwan Government-USA demands again USA authority to accept the Taiwan Passport issued by us, that sample was sent to your office and the issue is still pending in your office!  
It is the time for your office to accept Taiwan Passport, that creates the Domino Effective to stabilized the Asia Rebalance and Asia Pivot Strategy in coming years.  Taiwan finally breaks down the complete, effective control by ROC in exile, to protect the interest of USA and to maintain the peace of the Pacific Ocean.
We believe there are more than enough reasons to support your acceptance of our Taiwan Passport as follows:
 (1)     The former Secretary of DOS Mr. Colin Powell said "Neither Republic of China nor Taiwan is independent.  It does not enjoy sovereignty as a nation, and that remains our policy, our firm policy. on October 25th, 2004 in Beijing University.
(2)      Mr. Daniel Welder, senior officer in DOS also said "Taiwan, or the Republic of China, is not at this point a state in the international community"。 on August 30, 2007
(3)      Taiwan was not a part of the national territory of the Republic of China(ROC) per 1959 DC Circuit case of Sheng v. Roger. 
(4)   Taiwan was not part of ROC national territory was confirmed in the official Czyak Memorandum(1961) and Starr Memorandum(1971), both issued by the U.S. Dept. of State. 
(5)      The wrong flag of ROC in exile on DOS webpage should be removed immediately:http://www.state.gov/p/eap/ci/taiwan/index.htm.  The ROC flag looks as if " a black flag with the skull and crossbones".   Chinese of ROC in exile has the pending war crimes with no statute of limitations that created the victims of 50 million; the 228 massacre has more than 200,000 murdered or jailed. The victims were mostly high teens and at their law 20 year old.  The jailed were mostly 19-20 year long in prison term.  That created the gap of generation in Taiwan society.
(6)      US District court Judge Rosemary M. Collyer stated Formosan is [the stateless] on March 8th, 2008.
(7)      US Appeal Court Judge Brown also stated Formosan has [no government representing them and has been trapped in the political purgatory] for over 6 decades.
There is no room for any politician and US officers to insist Taiwan is allowed to be enslaved by the ruined ROC in exile and the Staled ROC constitution to terror over the people of Taiwan.  It is wrong, it is illegal and it is even unconstitutional to US constitution!
Please support Formosan to establish their [Taiwan Autonomy] of Formosan, by Formosan and for Formosan, under TRA and USA constitution.
Nieco M. H. Tsai
FYR: Video in Native English with Mandarin Kanji or Japanese subtitle.
 (1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BPU6mMRT94&feature=youtu.be (Taiwan's Status - Exploring The Truth  - October 25, 1945 - Part 1)
(4)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsbsNtxupkc  (Understanding the "One China Policy")
(5) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfw5RiiyQQo (Taiwan gate and Illegal Arm Sales)
(6   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMJ2cVdIvCE (Understanding the One China Policy- Japanese subtitle)

德簽證取消台灣國籍?外交部稱零星狀況 網友狂打臉

2014/08/21 18:59:00 友善列印

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▼注意看,2014年起台灣代碼仍是465,但國籍被改成「chinesisch (Taipeh)」(中國台北)。

