明確的對台政策   Strategic clarity for Tawan
[ 轉載自 : 台北時報 ]  [ 謝鎮寬 ]  2015-04-21 17:00:38 上傳

然而,他似乎忘了比他出生更早,杜魯門總統於 1950年6月27日, 發表的一份對台聲明:「於是,我已命令第七艦隊阻止對台灣的任何攻擊,作為這一行動的必然結果,我呼籲在台灣的中國國民政府, 停止對中國所有一切的海空戰鬥,第七艦隊將督查這些被如是執行,台灣未來地位的決定,必須等到太平洋地區的安全恢復,日本和平解決,或聯合國有所考量時。」

 1950年, 韓戰爆發,當時以蔣介石為首的中國國民黨,與美國聯盟堅決反共,這正是為什麼杜魯門總統會派遣第七艦隊,來保衛台灣。
現在的國民黨/中華民國,已不再敵視共產黨  / 中華人民共和國, 他們就像兄弟般地友好相處 。前國民黨主席連戰甚至說,該是聯共制台的時候了。

今天在台灣有超過 80%居民,認為自己是台灣人,不是中國人  但根據美國聯邦上訴法院巡迴法官布朗,在 2009年4月7日訴案判決書的聲明,她說,由於 美國與中國在過去六十年的喧囂動盪,徒陷台灣住民於政治煉獄 
美國聯邦哥倫比亞特區、地方法院法官羅斯瑪麗柯侑,在 2008年3月18日的判決書指出,台灣人無國籍已近60年了,任何人可以理解並同情,他們寄望在國際社會,地位被正常化的期盼。

世界人權宣言第十五條( 1)說:每個人都有權利擁有一個國籍。

「確定台灣的主權,是處理上訴人索賠的一個先決問題。」 巡迴法官布朗說: 這留給法院一些有限的選擇空間。我們可以拋棄美國長期來,有關台灣戰略模糊的外交政策,這有利於宣布主權。但是,這似嫌輕率。
所以,今天在世界上只有一個人能告訴我們  誰擁有台灣的主權,他就是美國總統奧巴馬。我鼓勵全球各地的台灣人 ,踴於發聲 提醒他,叫他注意這已逾越多時的美國在台未竟任務。美國是舊金山和平條約  指名為二戰後的主要佔領權國  對台灣人民負有最終責任。但是,美國拿模糊戰略「一中政策」,來對付中華人民共和國,不僅徒陷台灣人民於政治煉獄,更讓美國淪為一個雙重標準的國家。

美國「戰略模糊」  是一個不合時宜的政策,它已經過期很久了。
正如奧巴馬總統自己說:所以很多時候,當我們把自己以超越勸說的方式投入,它總是適得其反,事與願違。為什麼其他國家不斷地利用我們  為他們治國無方找藉口?就讓我們把藉口剔除吧。
是的,總統先生, 50年前的古巴政策已經過時,但70年前對台戰略模糊政策更是僵化老朽,現在該是為台灣制定一個明確政策的時候了!

煩請轉送給親朋好友及媒體 ,因為台灣沒有台灣人的媒體,您就是媒體!-- 陳辰光 --。  這世界不會被那些作惡多端的人毀滅,而是被冷血旁觀,選擇保持沉默的人所毀滅。--愛因斯坦--
Well written.  Very well written. 
The Truman corollary is the 1861 diplmatic practice of juridical impairment of the Confederacy and the prevention of diplomatic recognition by the Europeans (British and French) until a peace treaty.   The Europeans extended the rights of belligerent insurgents, and so the law of occupation was applied to domestic territory of the Union. The Southern rebel insurgents were defeated and constitutionally subjected to US Military Government in 1863-65 (as each state was invaded and occupied).  There is a legal distinction between military government and martial law.  .
Military government was the application of the international law of occupation to the domestic territory of the US Constitution.  There could be no foreign diplomatic recognition without it becoming an act of war against the US.
There had to be a peace treaty for a secession of the Confederated States of America from the US Constitution.
Martial law is the rule of military authority over domestic territory without the law of occupation.  
The DPP assertions   主張   about ROC is Taiwan and Taiwan is ROC are tantamount to: 
民進黨主張 " 中華民國是臺灣、臺灣是 中華民國" 相當於 :  
Southern states 南方各州 equal the Confederated States of American美利堅邦聯 and the Confederated States of America equal the Southern states.   Those ROC rebel insurgents中華民國反叛集團 equals Taiwan territory 臺灣and Taiwan territory 臺灣equals ROC rebel insurgents中華民國反叛集團.  There can be no diplomatic recognition of the ROC on Taiwan because the law of occupation was applied by the Truman corollary in 1950.  
The DPP cannot be trusted with their platform of the ROC is Taiwan.  
John Hsieh rightly asserts the time has come to end strategic ambiguity.   The Sinologists need to stop trying to be Henry Kissinger, because the DC courts have issued a warning about direct control over  Taiwan territory. It's time to recognize the indirect control of the Truman Statement for no fly zones and reverse naval blockades of an island held by the law of occupation in 1950.  
The Cuban rebel insurgents were in the same boat of 1898 under art 9, Treaty of Paris (e.g. no nationality during interim status).   There was no Cuban republic until 1902.   The role of military government has not changed for a longtime.  Why does the DPP think they can rewrite history?   "軍事政府" 的角色一直都存在;為什麼  (何德何能) 民進黨 自認為他們可以改寫歷史。
Mr. President, it is time to remove the strategic ambiguity becaus e you were a law professor who taught constitutional law to future lawyers.  
總統先生(歐巴馬) 是應該取消臺灣戰略模糊政策的時候了,您曾經是教授未來法律工作者憲法的法學教授。
Surely, you would know better than the DPP political liaison with Washington, DC.  
Jeff Gear 