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On Tuesday, February 16, 2016 9:48 AM, Neng-Hsiang Wang 王能祥<> wrote

二十年來大華府地區每年舉辦的「二二八公義和平紀念會」,今年謹訂於2月28日(星期日)舉行。地點在華府台灣基督長老教會 (Taiwanese Presbyterian Church of Washington ,7410 Needwood Road, Derwood, MD 20855) 。敬請踴躍參與盛會。紀念會從上午10時開始,下午預計3時結束。節目及時間分配如次:
1. 二二八紀念禮拜 (10:00 AM-11:15 AM)
2. 共進午餐 (11:30 AM-12:30 Noon)
3. 二二八紀念演講會 (12:30 Noon-1:20 PM)
4. 二二八紀念音樂會 (1:30 PM-2:40 PM)
5. 茶點招待 (音樂會結束後)
今年的主題演講由陳隆志教授擔任。陳教授在台灣大學求學期間連續兩年(1956, 1957) 榮登全國高等考試狀元榜首,後獲頒 Yale Law School (耶魯大學法學院) 法學博士 (1964)。自1961年以來,陳教授與Yale Law School 有長久的關係─從研究生、研究員、資深研究員到資深學者。陳教授在 New York Law School教授國際法及美國憲法近四十年,是現代國際法權威學者。
在音樂會方面,除了華府台灣學校合唱團、華府台灣合唱團、華府台灣基督長老教會聖歌隊表演外,另有不同樂器演出,包括: 手鐘表演 (華府台灣教會手鐘隊)、鋼琴演奏、獨唱、二重奏、二胡演奏等節目。參與演出的幾乎都是美東傑出的台灣人音樂家。欣賞今年的二二八紀念音樂會必讓你終身難忘。
1. 華府台灣基督長老教會提供100個停車位
2. 華府台灣文化中心 (位於華府教會斜對面) 提供25個停車位
3. Derwood Recreation Center (由 Redland Road 開到Needwood Road,然後左轉 (北向) 120公尺之處) ,提供40個停車位
4. Shady Grove Metro Station Parking Lot 有數百個停車位,週日免費 (紀念會當天自上午9時30分起至下午3時30分結束,華府教會將每15至20分鐘提供交通車接送,在Shady Grove Metro 交通接送服務電話: 301-990-1170 及 202-445-8338 )
洪健棣牧師 240-247-2010
黃珍珍 301-926-5288
黃太郎 301-983-1861
華府台灣基督長老教會 301-990-1140
Charles Kuo 240-821-0238
Gilbert Wang 202-413-4235
王能祥202-554-4314 or 202-479-0744
一同敬邀 (02/16/2016)
For Immediate Release 606 7th St., SW, Washington, DC Justice and Peace Memorial Service Task Force February 16, 2016
Invitation to Attend 228
Justice and Peace Memorial Service
You are cordially invited to attend the Washington-based 228 Justice and Peace Memorial Service. The service this year is to be held at Taiwanese Presbyterian Church of Washington (7410 Needwood Road, Derwood, Maryland 20855) on Sunday, February 28, 2016 beginning 10:00 A.M. and ending 3:00 P.M. Detailed programs are as follows:
1. 228 Memorial Worship (10:00 A.M. – 11:15 A.M.)
2. Free Lunch for all participants (11:30 A.M. – 12:30 Noon)
3. 228 Speech (12:30 Noon – 1:20 P.M.)
4. 228 Concert (1:30 P.M. – 2:40 P.M.)
5. Refreshments (Immediately after the concert)
228 Memorial Service is to commemorate a spontaneous uprising throughout the island of Taiwan beginning February 28, 1947. That uprising was to protest Chinese Occupation Authority against its extreme economic exploitation and political oppression. The Chinese Authority countered the legitimate discontent (uprising) with a series of massacre, murdering more than 20 thousand local elites. This event awakened a strong sense of common destiny and nationhood among the people of Taiwan.
We are fortunate to have Dr. Lung-chu Chen serve as this year’s keynote speaker. He will speak on “The Lessons of the 228 Incident: Past, Present, and Future.” Professor Chen is a world renowned international law scholar, teaching Contemporary International Law and American Constitutional Law for nearly 40 years at New York Law School. In addition, he has had a long affiliation with Yale Law School since 1961, as a graduate student (LL.M. and J.S.D.), Research Associate, Senior Research Associate, and Senior Research Scholar. He frequently writes on the subject of international law and the subject of Taiwan. In 2015, his book entitled “An Introduction to Contemporary International Law: A Policy-Oriented Perspective” (Third Edition) was published by Oxford University Press. Next month (March 2016) Oxford University Press will again publish his new book on “The U.S.-Taiwan-China Relationship in International Law and Policy.”
In the concert program, in addition to choruses to be performed by several local musical groups, we invite top musicians of Taiwan origin currently residing in the United States. We are confident that this program will be one of the best you can expect in your lifetime. We happily encourage you not to miss this great opportunity.
For further information, kindly reach Charles Kuo (Tel: 240-821-0238), Gilbert Wang (Tel: 202-413-4235), or Neng-Hsiang Wang (202-554-4314 or 202-479-0744).
On Tuesday, February 16, 2016 9:48 AM, Neng-Hsiang Wang <> wrote