Sonia Urbom Assumes Duties as AIT’s Spokesperson
游詩雅(Sonia Urbom)女士在2015年7月15日就任美國在台協會(AIT)發言人。
游詩雅自2002年加入美國外交行列以來, 曾在美國駐北京和烏克蘭大使館擔任副發言人,在北京和巴貝多擔任副領事,以及在華府國務院教育文化事務局擔任計畫主持人。
游詩雅在投入美國外交工作之前,曾在烏克蘭擔任美國和平工作團(Peace Corps)的志工。游詩雅擁有華盛頓大學國際研究學士與哈佛大學教育碩士學位, 精通俄語和華語
Sonia Urbom Assumes Duties as AIT’s Spokesperson
Ms. Sonia Urbom assumed duties as the Spokesperson for the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) on July 15, 2015.
Ms. Urbom became a Foreign Service Officer in 2002. She previously worked as Assistant Information Officer in Beijing and Ukraine, Vice Consul in Beijing and Barbados, and as a Program Officer in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State in Washington.
Before joining the Foreign Service, Ms. Urbom served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Ukraine. Ms. Urbom has a B.A. in international studies from the University of Washington and a Master of Education from Harvard University. She speaks Russian and Mandarin Chinese.
Ms. Urbom is married to another Foreign Service Officer and they have two children.