因此、本日7/01 (三)高雄AIT場取消,請同心們轉知所屬及支持者。
(注:AIT 臺北場請願照常舉行07-01-2015 )
Some Law Experts are even interpreting the action on the Spratly Islands as aiming to build the Effective Control of the non-sovereignty area to apply the same law fare for Formosa and the Pescadores that is still flying the flag of ROC in exile and enforcing its staled constitution against the prohibition of USA that banned the flag of ROC in exile was raised on the yard of Double Oak Estate, Washington DC.
We urge that the USA should not apply the double standards of not prohibiting all schemes of ROC in exile on Taiwan. It made Chinese of ROC in exile to believe they have been licensed to terrorize the people of Taiwan even today in 2015. The Chinese terrorist murdered more than ISIS did, and ROC in exile is still exercising the terror for 70 years by now that is also much longer than the terrorist activity of ISIS. Why ISIS being attacked by an allied army and ROC in exile has been left for 70 years to terror on the people of Taiwan! It is very unfair!
Unofficial records: 356,257 persons were murdered during the Dark Age, and accumulated victims--not killed--of the illegal Colonial terrorism rules under ROC in exile and its staled constitution is over 50 million now .
USA is kindly requested to establish a new policy as per the wish of Formosan as follows:
(1) The principal occupying force per SFPT article 23 (a), USA should prohibit Taiwan Authority per TRA 1979 to use the name of Republic of China in exile, and its staled constitution. The flag of ROC in exile should not be allowed to fly on Taiwan.
歡迎 扶老攜幼 大家做伙來!
歡迎臺灣人民共襄盛舉 向美國在臺協會AIT (高雄、臺北同步)請願:
(一) 時間:07-01-2015 (禮拜三) 10 時
(ニ) 地點:
臺北 AIT: 台北市信義路三段134巷7號
台灣人民 (不是中國人)
(煩請 駐台北AIT 轉呈 美國總統先生)
尊敬的 歐巴馬總統先生台鑑:
台灣人 ( 不是中國人 ) ,我們已上呈 總統先生多次書信 , 表達台灣人的聲音。 但是 , 這一次是非常特別的肺腑之言 ; 因為中國《白皮書》明言南海的南沙群島是中國的領土 , 中國將捍衛中國的主權;因此、這將不再是“ 這是中國軍事警戒區 , 請立刻離開 ” 的低層次議題。
一些法律專家甚至解釋 ; 中國在南沙群島的行動目標是要建立在非主權地區,經由引用《有效實際控制》的法律案例,以此引申《中華民國流亡政權》已在臺灣懸掛其《旗幟》並執行其《憲法》、來佐證台灣是《中華民國流亡政權》的領土 , 繼而、依法理主張台灣是 PRC 的固有領土。
而,美國雖然禁止中華民國流亡政權旗幟在美國華府懸掛 , 可是在台灣上空仍然懸掛有不擁有台澎主權的侵略者的非法旗幟。
我們敦促美國不應有雙重標準 ; 應明確禁止中華民國流亡政權的一切器具的使用 ; 諸如亡國的國號、旗幟、憲法及國家器具包括語言等 … 。 但,由於美國的戰略性模糊政策, 已讓恐怖分子劊子手集團認為《偽中華民國》有美國的授權可以對台灣人執行 [ 殖民主義及恐怖主義 ] 。 中華民國流亡政權在台灣的恐怖主義活動早已遠超出 ISIS 恐怖分子 , 自稱伊斯蘭國 , 另名 ISIL 的恐怖分子集團;支那人劊子手集團殺人超過 ISIS, 恐怖主義活動期也比 ISIS 長很多、 台灣人長期生活在政治煉獄 70 年也夠長了。這是非常不公平的!
野史記載: 70 年黑暗時代有 356,257 的臺灣人被支那人劊子手集團殺害,被中華民國流亡政權的非法殖民恐怖主義統治及其失效憲法貽害者 , 亦累積已有超過 5,000 萬人次。
本土台灣人 兹懇請美國應早日碓定臺灣的法律地位、並制定新的政策,要求如下:
( 1 )依據舊金山和約第 23 條 (a) 款規定 , 美國是主要佔領權國,理應命令《台灣當局》 依照台灣關係法 , 不能使用任何亡國的國名 , 國旗 , 失效的憲法等國家器具。 一切中華民國流亡政權的器具使用應被禁止。尤其是《中華民國流亡政權》的旗幟《國旗》更不准在臺、澎懸掛。
( 2 )美國不應該強迫台灣人使用《中華民國流亡政權》的非法護照。 臺灣人應被允許使用臺灣人自己所組織的【自治政府】發行的護照。
( 3 )美國 70 年來以恐怖分子支那人劊子手集團是唯一的對話窗口,這是錯誤的; 因此請您務必建立直接與本土台灣人對話的【窗口 - 即美國台灣自治政府】、以便集結 2,300 萬台灣民眾 , 阻絕中華民國流亡政權的媚中傾中、出賣臺灣,出賣美國。
美國政策的修正是合法的,台灣地位正常化也是【台灣關係法 TRA 】的終極真髓 ; 更何況排除令人難以置信的70 年恐怖統治更是台灣關係法的義務。 美國模糊政策的修正將帶來台灣走向光明的未來 , 台灣人民經再教育, 有一天必然會扛起美日安保協定、亞洲再平衡及亞洲樞紐戰略上、台灣人所應分担的責任義務!那一天的早日來到、才算是台灣人真正的【出頭天】。
台灣自治政府 謹上
Petition of the people of Taiwan
(via AIT Taipei and Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
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Dear President Obama,
(via AIT Taipei and Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
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Dear President Obama,
The people of Taiwan, Formosan not Chinese, submitted to your honor their voice many times in the past, but this one is very special one, since the white paper from PRC after their 8 times warning trying to expel the US airplane from the public air, PRC said to US airplane as you were approaching our military alert zone, leave immediately. But, the military alert zone became [China will protect her Sovereignty with the military force].
We urge that the USA should not apply the double standards of not prohibiting all schemes of ROC in exile on Taiwan. It made Chinese of ROC in exile to believe they have been licensed to terrorize the people of Taiwan even today in 2015. The Chinese terrorist murdered more than ISIS did, and ROC in exile is still exercising the terror for 70 years by now that is also much longer than the terrorist activity of ISIS. Why ISIS being attacked by an allied army and ROC in exile has been left for 70 years to terror on the people of Taiwan! It is very unfair!
Unofficial records: 356,257 persons were murdered during the Dark Age, and accumulated victims--not killed--of the illegal Colonial terrorism rules under ROC in exile and its staled constitution is over 50 million now .
USA is kindly requested to establish a new policy as per the wish of Formosan as follows:
(1) The principal occupying force per SFPT article 23 (a), USA should prohibit Taiwan Authority per TRA 1979 to use the name of Republic of China in exile, and its staled constitution. The flag of ROC in exile should not be allowed to fly on Taiwan.
(2) USA should not forced the people of Taiwan to use the illegal passport of ROC in exile. The people of Taiwan shall be allowed to use the passport issued by the Taiwan Autonomy Foundation registered in Alhambra per the law of California, USA.
(2) USA should not forced the people of Taiwan to use the illegal passport of ROC in exile. The people of Taiwan shall be allowed to use the passport issued by the Taiwan Autonomy Foundation registered in Alhambra per the law of California, USA.
(3) It is the unfair policy of USA not to do the direct dialogue with the people of Taiwan i.e. Taiwan Autonomy group, and keeping for 70 years to talk with Chinese who has no right to represent the people of Taiwan.
The change of policy is legal and it is the normalization of Taiwan status, as well as the correction of unbelievable terrorism dark age on Taiwan toward the bright future when the people of Taiwan could take a role in USA-Japan Security Agreement, Asia Re-Balance and Asia Pivot strategy.
Yours Sincerely,
(3) It is the unfair policy of USA not to do the direct dialogue with the people of Taiwan i.e. Taiwan Autonomy group, and keeping for 70 years to talk with Chinese who has no right to represent the people of Taiwan.
The change of policy is legal and it is the normalization of Taiwan status, as well as the correction of unbelievable terrorism dark age on Taiwan toward the bright future when the people of Taiwan could take a role in USA-Japan Security Agreement, Asia Re-Balance and Asia Pivot strategy.
Yours Sincerely,
Taiwan Autonomy Government