
安東尼. 古特雷斯先生

日內瓦, 瑞士


安東尼. 古特雷斯 祕書長先生台照:


敬請 認定台灣人是[境內奴隸性政治難民] ,

正處在[中華民國流亡政權] 的恐怖殖民主義統治下。


鈞座 將面臨處理最複雜而敏感度最高的[現代式]難民問題。我們稱其為[境內奴隸性政治難民]。 事實是,我們已經向好幾個組織請求幫助, 但都令人失望, 未得良果。 我們乃懷疑,這世界上是否仍然有公義的存在。




什麼是難民?難民是他們的生活已經支離破碎 , 暴力也到自家門口,在當地,他們的宗教或政治信仰也被迫害。   難民是受到他們控制不了的因素,從他們的家園和社區被驅逐, 發生得很快,毫不誇張地說,難民就是逃命的人。 沒有人為他們出聲求援, 也沒有人幫助他們........


我們家鄉的夲土台灣人代代相傳住在台灣。 歷史告訴他​​們住了400多年, 並有幾千年歷史的痕跡。  近代史上說, 1945年以後的台灣走上了, 福爾摩沙黑暗時代的開始。 佔領權國美國麥克阿瑟將軍發表了他的將軍令第1號令的日期為1945年9月2日, 在美國船隻裝上破爛衣服的[中國國民黨黨軍]登陸台澎後, 於是台灣人步步的陷落政治煉獄墮落至18層的地底。  台澎曾有不同國家的被殖民歷史, 例如荷蘭, 西班牙,英國, 滿洲人的清國, 日本及現在的支那中國人劊子手集團。這個支那中國人集團不是國家也不是政府; 但是70年來, 台灣卻仍處於被殖民統治, 被早已滅亡的中華民國死殼及其早已失效的憲法奴役, 過著奴隸的生活。


中華民國流亡政權支那人的三大原罪案是: (1)自1945年10月25日起的台灣民族屠滅案; (2) 228大屠殺案; (3) 以早已滅亡的中華民國名稱及失效的憲法,執行70年並尚不知何時可休的恐怖主義殖民統治。這些是懸案未決,不帶時效的戰爭犯罪案, 台灣人擁有永遠的法律追訴權。


台灣人原本就是池魚之殃!  因恐怖主義洗腦教育, 而[民進黨] 卻帶領台灣廣大民眾無智認賊作父, 又替賊數鈔票。  副作用是中國(PRC) 也開始主張台澎是中國的一省。邏輯不對, 法理不通, 簡至是不識字兼不衛生。  民進黨的”我”將在[中華民國現行憲政體制]下,依循普遍民意,持續推動兩岸關係的和平穩定發展, 更致使 台灣人被綁架被迫承認侵略者 , 自己反而淪落成[境內奴隸性政治難民]!  不是嗎?


世界上沒有[台灣國]的國號,國旗,國歌及憲法, [民進黨]還能硬呦 [台灣是中華民國,中華民國是台灣,台灣是主權獨立的國家,現在的國號叫做中華民國]。民進黨若不是財利思維助紂為虐,必然是精神分裂症患者。而美國的模糊政策對台灣人不會有立竿見影之速效, 但是就長期性言之, 卻是美中選一的議題, 台灣人僅可選擇美國是天理。 




(1)中華民國的支那人逃難逃命到台灣的武裝政治難民, 自稱中華民國卻不俱有合法性。這些土匪惡魔集團謀殺了365,257台灣人的寶貴生命。 直接受害者的家屬約一佰多萬人, 全部列入政治犯, 雖不打入牢獄留在鐵籠外, 編入24小時監管制度下, 成了台灣人敢怒不敢言的支那搖錢樹或性奴隸,近半個世紀。  其他, 奴隸制度下的恐怖主義殖民政府的受害者更積累達5000萬人次。這類殘暴比現在受注目的ISIS 的殘忍犯罪的[量] 及[時間]更多更長!  可是 [文明世界不顧台灣人的奴隸害或難民苦], 己有70年之長。


(2)儘管聯合國的成員從50個國家增加達194個國家, 聯合國卻拒絕台灣人的追求自己幸福的基本權力。  台灣人為什麼不可享有如其他國家人民的普世價值?  他們也曾在 19/20世紀受苦在被殖民統治, 早已脫離了煉獄。而台灣人又是犯了什麼原罪?


(3)中華民國或中華人民共和國都沒有任何法律可證明或可訴求台灣是中國的一部分。中國漢族的歷史不是自稱的綿綿不斷, 持續5,000年的歷史。 [蒙古帝國]征服漢族帝國而[滿清帝國]也征服了漢人的大明帝國。   元朝及清朝都是所謂中國人或漢人的恥辱史。  稱呼蒙古人及滿朝人為中國人是不合邏輯。  長城外的民族5000年來反被支那人稱為化外的野蠻人。 台灣被滿清永遠割讓給日本,不涉及中華民國和中華人民共和國的任何邏輯, 條約或法律及法理。 為什麼聯合國無法保護2000萬Formosans去追求自己的幸福?  為什麼只有福爾摩沙已經被排除在人權70年的近代史!


(4)聯合國可以花最低廉的成本完成人類歷史上最偉大的人權工程, 猶如美國第16任的林肯總統的1863年的偉大的奴隸解放宣言。


台灣人正在受苦的現代式奴隸制度不是什麼新鮮事。台灣人不是第一次經驗者, 將來也不會是政治奴隸形式的最後一個。  UNHCR的偉大的工作之意是, 賦給天下很多類似的政治奴隸的希望。  假藉主權的民族屠滅案肯定會亮起來。  許多類似的, 現代式奴隸制度是假借主權的錯誤闡明, 替侵略者洗腦教育,諸如劊子手集團的自稱中華民國, 在台灣囂張70年而達成, 他們用奸巧的[以夷剝夷] 策略來誤導全球。  甚至於, 受過良好教育的台灣人也樂於當台奸而不知是非。台灣人認賊作父又替賊數鈔票的嚴重性, 很難受外界人士所注意並理解。


(5)我們希望  貴組織 - UNHCR--了解我們夲土台灣人的慘況,並認真了解夲土台灣人需要屬聯合國機構的難民總署來認定[臺灣人是境內奴隸性政治難民] 。 請將您的正式信函或證書寄到我們的組織[台灣自治政府基金會Taiwan Autonomy Fundation]在Alhambra, 加利福尼亞州,美國的正式註冊有案者。這樣,我們就有侬據盡我們自已的能力,啓發台灣人的良知,走上光明大道來照顧我們夲土臺灣人。 我們的目前的困難是如何讓我們的人民覺醒又覺悟來不認賊作父又替賊數鈔票。


在恐怖主義的執行和洗腦教育70年下, 侵略者可以輕鬆地塑造公眾成為[代代為奴的奴隸]!   例如,今天的台灣人政党--DPP--政客自認為他們可以使中華民國流亡政權, 輕輕鬆鬆地安樂死, 並從奴役跳脫出來寫自己的台灣憲法, 將名稱改為台灣共和國的輕視國際法的幼稚無知。


既然中華民國或中華人民共和國不持有法理上, 法律上或國際條約上的證據主張台澎隸屬中華民國或中國, 台灣沒有所謂[獨立] 的議題而 唯有 [建國的議題] 。


我們認為 貴國際組織(聯合國難民署 UNHCR)是最好的 (可以幫助廣大2,000萬夲土台灣人覺醒又覺悟起來, 不再認賊作父又替賊數鈔票) 的關鍵組織。 而我們亦明白應以和平及非暴力為貴的潛規則。請相信我們還保持我們自己的台灣靈魂。  我們住在美國的臺裔美國人還擁有一定程度的自由來做紙上作業及在法律行動上解救台灣人的作為。  我們也有我們的團體在台灣和廣大民眾直接接觸。


敬請 察情, 並惠賜正面文件, 以利台灣人脫離現代式奴隸制度及70年來的被非法殖民統治為幸!





臺灣自治政府 06-17-2015
Nieco M. H. Tsai              
The Honorable High Commissioner               
Mr. Antonio Guterres               
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Case Postale 2500 CH-1211 Genève 2 Dépôt Suisse.               
Dear Mr. High Commissioner Antonio Guterres:               
Please recognize Formosan is the Domestic Political Slavish Refugee               
in Chinese Colonial Rules by ROC in exile.               
You honor is going to handle the most complicated and sensitive case in the category of new modern refugee that we call it as [Domestic Political Slavish Refugee] and need your help.  As a matter of fact, we have asked several organizations to help, and have got nothing but the disappointment.  We doubt if the justice still exist on the world.               
The home pages on  UNHCR wrote:                
What is a refugee?                  Refugees are people whose lives have been torn apart when violence arrives on their doorstep or when they are persecuted for their religious or political beliefs.  Refugees are driven from their homes and communities by factors outside their control. It happens so fast. Quite literally, refugees are people running for their lives. Voiceless and without an advocate,...               
Our hometown people, Formosan(aka Taiwanese) lives at their home town generations after generations,  The history tells them it may be 400 years or back to several thousand years.  The modern history says there were several Colonist rules on Formosa and the Pescadores by Dutch, Spanish, English,  Manchurians, Japanese and Chinese etc.  The Formosan Dark Age started since 1945 when General Douglas MacArthur issued his General Order No. 1 dated September 2nd, 1945.   It has passed 70 years but Taiwan is still under the Colonial Terrorism Rules in name of ROC in exile and its staled constitution.               
The Chinese (ROC) Terrorism Colonial Rules  had been prepared before they fled into Taiwan.  Their major original sins i.e. The Taiwan Ethnic Cleansing since Oct. 25th, 1945, the 228 Genocides (started on Feb. 28, 1947) and the terrorism colonial rules in the name of ROC since they landed on Taiwan and there is no sign of when it will end.   The ROC or PRC has never owned the sovereignty of Formosa and the Pescadores yet, the Chinese rules Taiwan under the ruined Republic of China with its staled constitution since the landed on Taiwan for 70 year long.                  
There has never been the election of the president of Taiwan and Formosan has no right to elect the president of Taiwan.    There is no [Taiwan Republic] and no [Taiwan constitution].  The cunning Chinese uses its double tongs to say [I am the president of Taiwan] when facing to the overseas, and insists the president of ROC in the local Taiwan islands.    The high treason charges death penalty by the law under its staled constitution of course.  It is ROC inside the iron cages covers the whole Formosa and the Pescadores.   The Chinese of ROC and ROC in exile bites the Formosan hand that feeds them.   Formosan is deemed to be Chinese by the fabricated Taipei Treaty between Japan and the ROC in exile in 1952.               
The USA authority prohibited ROC to fly its flag on Washington DC, USA but there is ROC flags everywhere on Taiwan, 365 days a year, and its staled constitution is enforcing over Formosan even can charge the death penalty against illogical and unlawful charge of the high treason.               
When, the Chinese major groups flooded onto Taiwan, there were no President or Vice President of the government except the remnants of defeated troops.  It is exactly similar to today's ISIS, self-styled as Islam state..., these Chinese in rugs is also self-styled as ROC without the legitimacy.  Regardless of any reasons, the history recorded ROC became [in exile] when PRC was established on October 1st, 1949 in Beijing, China.                  
Now, based on the above mentioned facts, please allow us to repeat points as:               
(1)      The Chinese of ROC is the armed political refugee fled onto Taiwan without the orthodoxy.  These bandit groups murdered 365,257 Formosan lives, the families of the direct victims were all labeled as the political prisoners outside the iron barss, became the money-trees and or the sex-slave for nearly half-century, and there were the accumulated victims of the terrorism rules up to 50 million people.  Isn't these crime are much worse, longer and cruel than it of ISIS on the spot light today?                  
(2)      While the member of UN increased from 50 some countries up to 194 states, what is the good reasons for UN to reject the people of Taiwan cannot pursue their happiness as per all other peoples who were under the Colonial rules during the 19th/20th century!               
(3)      The Chinese of ROC or PRC has no legal proves or historical proves to claim Taiwan is a part of China.   The history of Han Chinese is not consistently, uninterrupted single Han race state. The Mongol Empire conquered Han Ethnic Empire, and Manchurian Qing Empire also conquered the Han Empire, and Taiwan was ceded by Manchurian to Japan, it is nothing concerned with ROC and or PRC.  Why UN cannot protects 20 million Formosans to pursue their own happiness?  Why only Formosan has been excluded  from the Human Rights for 70 years in the modern history!               
(4)      UN can spend the most inexpensive cost to do the greatest work to be recorded on the human history, as per the 16th President of USA, Abraham Lincoln, The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863.               
The new modern slavery is nothing new.  Formosan is not the first and will never be the last slave in the form of political slavery.   Your great work will certainly light up the hope for many similar modern slave under the cunning slavery under the brain washed education in the wrong  interpretation of the sovereignty belongs to the invader de fact, exactly like the terrorist Chinese of ROC in exile has been doing it over Formosan for 70 years, and even some of the well educated Formosans are happy to work for the thief as their father and to give their allegiance to the usurper or invaders.                
(5)      We simply want your organization--UNHCR-- to understand our Formosan's miserable situation, and considers Formosan really needs help from UN to define [Formosan is the Domestic                  Political Slavish Refugee].   Your formal letters or certificate to our organization [ Taiwan Autonomy Foundation] registered at the above address in Alhambra, California, USA will give us a good prove of the international opinion.   Then, we shall be able to take the care of it by ourselves.                   Our difficulty is how to give our people a morning call to wake them up.                 
The Terrorism and the brain wash can easily make the general public to be slaves for generations!  It is Formosan today!  Formosan politician believes they can euthanize ROC in exile and get out from the slavery by writing their Taiwan constitution and change the name to Taiwan Republic under the scheme of ROC or ROC in exile.                  
Actually there is no reasons for Formosan to be independent from ROC or ROC in exile, since  Chinese of ROC or PRC have never owned the sovereignty of Formosa and the Pescadores.               
We consider your international organization (UNHCR) is one of the best who can help Formosan to wake up and stand up.   We do understand the peaceful, non-violence is the rules and the best way to do.  Although we                 are one of the brain washed slaves, but, we still have our own Taiwan soul in our deep DNA and we live in USA where we still have some degree of freedom to do the paper works in the legal ways.   We also have our groups working on Taiwan to have the direct contact with the general public of Taiwan.               
We will be more than happy to answer any questions regarding the historical or legal issue on Taiwan questions!     Your kind attention to our above mentioned will be very highly appreciated and we are looking forward to your favorable answer to our requests.               
Yours Sincerely,               
Nieco M. H. Tsai