Kengchi Goah is a senior research fellow at the Taiwan Public Policy Council in the US.
美國尚有未竟的事業 - 台灣人並不尋求報復,而是尋求正義   -  吳耿志
這又是那一年的這個時候:傷口未癒,未癒的傷口卻再度洞開 … 。
這是 1947 年 228 大屠殺 68 週年。接下來將是 69 、 70… 。如果真相繼續被隱藏,事件沒結案 , 此一週年計數只會一再的累積。
不過,台北市長柯文哲,在 2015 年 2 月 28 日的紀念儀式上,卻猶疑而沒接受來自《總統馬英九》橄欖枝握手。
一方面,台灣人當時也太天真而没警惕並防患不文明的中國軍隊;另一方面,美國軍方,則被誤導或考慮冷戰開始的政治小徑 ( 便宜行事 ) 、忽略了蔣介石的腐敗本質。這兩個因素注定了台灣被長期專制壓迫的命運與其帶來的血腥後果。很快, 228 事件將屆 70 年。這實在是太漫長,而不應讓傷口持續流血 … 。
去年 2014 年 4 月 3 日和今年 2015 年 2 月 4 日,希望的光芒開始閃爍。在美國國會聽證會上、國務院東亞助理國務卿丹尼爾·羅素說:“美國給台灣自治的強大支持,會促使我們的台灣朋友有信心加強兩岸關係。 ”( www.state 。 GOV / P / EAP / RLS / RM / 2014 年 / 04 / 224350.htm )。
他還表示:“我們將繼續努力,以確保台灣能保持其自治及防衛。”( fpc.state.gov/237218.htm )。
美國應該授予台灣人以下權益 去除「中華民國」騙局的自治;建立一個臺灣人自主的管理機構 - 新臺灣自治政府取代現有的流亡「中華民國」 ; 新臺灣自治政府可使用《原台灣省政府》在南投中興新村的辦公大樓 ; 新臺灣自治政府有權頒發真正的護照給臺灣人民。
此外,美國還應該禁止所謂的“中華民國國旗” 在台灣和其他地方揭揚,因為它是壓迫的象徵。
美國做為第二次世界大戰勝利者,並且 依舊金山和平條約 SFPT 仍然是台灣的【法定監護人】,美國必須與夲土台灣人合作 – 臺灣人渴望自由。


Kengchi Goah is a senior research fellow at the Taiwan Public Policy Council in the US.

The US has unfinished business

By Kengchi Goah 吳耿志
It was that time of year again, a time of wounds unhealed, a time of unhealed wounds reopening.
It was the 68th anniversary of the 228 Incident. It will then be the 69th, the 70th, etc. The count will just keep piling up if the truth stays hidden and no closure is brought about.
No single phrase does more to describe the suffering Taiwanese have endured than the following epigram widely circulated among Taiwanese communities:
“America dropped two atomic bombs in Japan, but one Chiang Kai-shek ( 蔣介石 ) in Taiwan. Which option do you prefer?”
With the wisdom of US General Douglas Macarthur and the collective will of its people, Japan quickly recovered and is now a key US ally in the Western Pacific.
However, Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je ( 柯文哲 ) was hesitant accepting an olive branch from President Ma Ying-Jeou ( 馬英九 ) in the form of an attempted, but failed, handshake during a memorial ceremony on Feb. 28.
The gulf dividing ethnic Taiwanese and Mainlanders is to this day still perceptible. Plenty of historical legal papers and declassified US documents attest to how the divide came about: Unequivocal resentment of the pain, hurt and injustice Taiwanese sustained at the hands of the brutal Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) administration.
On one hand, Taiwanese were then too naive to be on guard against an undisciplined, uncivilized Chinese military. On the other hand, the US military, either misguided or for political expedience amid the beginning of the Cold War, ignored Chiang’s corrupt nature. Both sealed Taiwanese fate to a long stretch of authoritarian oppression with bloody consequences. Soon it will be 70 years since the 228 Incident. It is too long to let the wound bleed any longer.
The US must end the unfinished business that has cost Taiwanese uncountable suffering. Taiwanese refuse to live in limbo. Taiwanese are not seeking revenge, but justice. A free and peaceful Taiwan serves the best interests of all countries involved.
On April 3 last year and Feb. 4 this year, rays of hope started flickering. In testimony to the US Congress, US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia Daniel Russel said: “Strong United States support for Taiwan autonomy also helps give our friends in Taiwan the confidence to strengthen their cross-strait relations.” (www.state.gov/p/eap/rls/rm/2014/04/224350.htm).
He also pledged: “Our continued efforts to help ensure that Taiwan can preserve its autonomy and manage its defense.” (fpc.state.gov/237218.htm).
The US should grant Taiwanese the following: autonomy devoid of the falsehood of Republic of China (ROC); the right to set up an autonomous governing body replacing the existing exiled ROC; the right to occupy the current property of Taiwan Provincial Government in Taichung; and the right to bear passports issued by the new autonomous government.
In addition, the US should also ban the display of the so-called “ROC flag” in Taiwan and anywhere else, because it is a symbol of oppression,
As a victor in World War II and still the legal guardian of Taiwan, the US must work with Taiwanese — who want to be free.
Kengchi Goah is a senior research fellow at the Taiwan Public Policy Council in the US.