見證】:201477日【美國臺灣自治政府TAG】發起500資深壯士【七七南投起義】,進駐南投中興新村原《省政府》行政大樓並升起美國旗和自治政府旗,當時被3,000中華民國(流亡政權) 年壯警力層層包圍,奮戰7小時後始被逼出大樓;之後《省政府》提告【美國臺灣自治政府TAG】,經過7個月的訴訟攻防後,法官說【被告】美國臺灣自治政府依法有理,並力勸雙方和解;此事,TAG500人使用廁所的清潔費都不需付;這就是臺灣人依國際法所被賦予的權利的行使。


臺灣人民 向美國新總統川普告狀 (訴求) 中華民國流亡政府無權管轄臺灣

「The Outcry Of The Senior Sunflowers 1- English 英文」

府Taiwan Autonomous Government  在 YouTube 與您分享了一部影片          
The Outcry Of The Senior Sunflowers 1
上傳者: Taiwan Government
The girl said sadly with tears "Our Flags" are in the garbage truck.

Declaration of Taiwan Autonomous Government

In her decision for Lin v United States, Judge Janice Rogers Brown acknowledged that:
A. "America and China's tumultuous relationship over the past sixty years has trapped the inhabitants of Taiwan in political purgatory."

B. "During this time the people on Taiwan have lived without any uniformly recognized government."

C. "In practical terms, this means they have uncertain status in the world community which infects the population's day-to-day lives."

1) On April 25, 2013, a group of concerned Taiwanese formally announced the establishment of the Taiwan Autonomous Government, following international legal procedures, on the basis of the 1952 San Francisco Peace Treaty, the 1952 Treaty of Taipei, the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act, and the United States Constitution.

On March 25, 2014, the United States House Foreign Affairs Committee unanimously reaffirmed the important...


4) 老太陽花們的怒吼 - 日文版 (七七南投起義 07-07-2014)

5)千楓 FORMOSA_美國臺灣政府進駐南投舊中興新村辦公實況