漢字版 #5-2-007-CN
白皮書 - 台灣自治政府 公佈
第一章 : 台灣人不可能產生[台灣人的共識]!
- 由於美國戰略性模糊政策的支持所產生的恥辱!
恭喜二戰之後產生的許多國家, 真是萬幸!  國際聯盟成立在1919年, 當時只有42國家, 後來被改編成為今天稱呼[聯合國]新的組織時,會員增加到63個國家。
二戰結束後,非洲,亞洲等許多小國乃至城邦的新的國家都陸續成為聯合國的成員。  2015年的成員總數是193個國家, 世界的進步值得慶賀,可喜可賀!
世界上的大多數人做到了很大的進步;或是脫離了奴隸制度,或是不再是殖民統治下被搾取剝削, 或是排除了共產專制,諸如蘇聯解體。 現今雖然還存在一些尚未解決的情況, 我們很難找到類似台灣問題卻由自由民主招牌的超級大國的美國卻不折不扣地,支持一個 [外國武裝政治難民土匪集團],一直在欺負壓制善良老實,不知說謊話的台灣人,為了隱蔽土匪集團自已的[政治難民身份]及[妾身不明的自稱中華民國]的龍的傳人, 默認恐怖分子強行[非法外來難民政權殖民恐怖主義]統治到2015也有70年之長。
台灣人不是中國人,台灣不是中華民國,中華民國不是台灣。 這是根據聯合國193個國家的歷史, 可說是鐵的規則, 不容置疑。  人民自決原則當然適用在2300萬人的台灣人。 (台灣人有2,300萬人, 抑只有2,000萬人, 視300萬人的二次大戰後, 遷進台灣的中國人, 依其如何自我認知而定。)
自封為中華民國的武裝政治難民集團, 從未擁有台灣和澎湖的主權,他們的歷史上也沒有擁有過台澎主權一個小時的合法記錄。也沒有合法的證據說明《中華民國》曾有被授權, 被委託或被要求合法統治或管理台灣和澎湖的任何法律文件或條約。
天下也沒有法律可容許任何強盜殺人的恐怖集團將有資格受權, 受委託或被要求統治--台灣及澎湖;  何況, 中華民國流亡政權不容有[國家法人資格]。  所謂中華民國流亡政權的實體的本質是犯罪累累的[準戰爭犯罪案未決的通緝犯], 根本無資格執行[國家任務] 。台澎上的荒腔走板的事實證明劊子手中華民國流亡政權是非法, 美國還沒有驅逐中華民國流亡政權出境台澎,是不符合聞國際法法理準則的[非法行為] 。
恐怖主義殖民統治或說得更清楚了,是美國製造的步槍才是禍源及原罪的根源。(1)台灣民族屠滅案,(2)228大屠殺案,(3)使用中華民國的早滅亡的國名及失效的憲法, 以恐怖主義的殖民地統治台澎70年, 而還不知何時休是戰爭犯罪案件。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYOmd5aKAQo  (售武器給中華民國流亡政權是非法) 13:01分.
世界上沒有人試圖譴責台灣的恐怖武裝集團罪惡己過了70年, 此間, 卻聞許多打日本的誇張謬論, 當然也有不少譴責ISIS, 自稱伊斯蘭教國家, 又名ISIL的論述。  自稱中華民國的劊子手集團, 就其殺人數量或恐怖70年長的劣行為, 超過ISIS, 而美國卻還不譴責台灣的恐怖分子,這算是符合美國利益嗎?
在台灣人的眼裡,美國似乎支持[親中國的學說],並且有可能再次出賣台灣。 喬治·科爾所描述的台灣慘不忍睹的歷史,寫在他的著書 [被出賣的台灣]1966出版, 記錄了國民黨軍佔領軍--衣衫襤褸的劊子手集團--如何謀殺的赤手的善良的台灣人。
很不幸, 美國對228大屠殺沒有具體行動, 那是美國歷史的恥辱污點。
自1945年二次大戰終止後過了70年。但是,台灣似被世人所遺忘。  文明世界容許台灣人仍然處在 [現代式的奴隸制度, 還不能有自我政府參與國際社會] 是文明世界的恥辱。   我們定義台灣人是 [境內, 政治奴性難民] 並向聯合國難民總署訴求發給 [台灣人是難民之一的證明]。這也已過了數個月、還沒有收到證明書。我們將會再追問下文!
境內意味著大多數台灣人已經住在他們出生的地方,他們的家,逃不了; 政治上的受災難是指台灣人受了池魚之殃。 帶來災難給台灣人的是中華民國的局外人中國流亡者。台灣人賜恩亡命逃難赤禍的流浪者,支那人是忘恩負義的歹徒。歹徒最後還是依靠槍桿子, 千錯萬錯卻是美製武器! 這當然是人為的政治非法野心案件:劊子手集團是武力鎮壓台灣人。中國國民黨是全球公認的非法武裝殖民、恐怖統治台灣的武裝政治難民集團, 可是, 70年後的今天, 仍然行非法掌握政權,執行恐怖主義統治。  台灣人不是奴隸嗎?  支那人劊子手集團不擁有台澎主權, 強迫台灣人效忠中華民國流亡政權, 投票選《中華民國流亡政權的偽總統》,不能選自已的《台灣總統》,這當然是奴隸。台灣人住在台澎而不能依法選台灣自己的領導人, 真是難民不如。
台灣人是侵略者劊子手集團中華民國流亡政權的傀儡,假裝中華民國流亡政權的公民,向全世界表演投票選偽總統的傀儡。  這是美國標準的 [自由,民主,平等和憲政] 嗎?
1945年10月, 美國船舶帶來了衣衫襤褸的中國國民党軍登陸台灣。  土匪劊子手集團在1947年2月就露出猙獰的本性, 開始犯上沒有時效的戰爭犯罪行為。
杜魯門也火冒三丈說:“他們全是小偷,他們中的每一個都該死的,”談到國民黨的領導人。   看看支那人在228大屠殺時, 當他的增援部隊抵達台灣時, 蔣介石的電報怎麼說?  [ 殺光他們並閉嘴!]   最後, 當然, 國民黨在台灣變成了世界上最富有的政黨之一。過了70年的今天,  劊子手集團還維持殖民主義恐怖統治台灣的政府。  雖然美國說土匪自稱的政府不是政府, 也不是國家。   台灣人只有無奈何!
在支那人劊子手集團竄改歷史之前, 台灣人留下了口述歷史, 不然史實也將被竄改或風化消失。
(1)          228大屠殺(Genocides屬沒有時效的戰爭犯罪案): 1947年2月28日至1947年3月15日,殺害了至少44,000人以上。
(2)          在大屠殺後的清鄉作戰: 1947年3月16日至1950年2月28日,  以謀殺方式或強迫失踪者共計有165,257人。
(3)          台灣的黑暗時代是1950年3月1日至1988年1月13日的慢長時光, 速度猶如蝸牛的爬行, 生不如死的煉獄, 活生生的人間地獄。 蔣經國的死亡才終止了38年一個世代的恐怖主義, 但是其代價高到至少147,000人或更多的人被支那人劊子手集團殺害或被強迫失踪。
(4)      總計有356,257人被謀殺或強迫失踪!
在中華民國流亡政權的殖民主義恐怖及其失效的憲法統治下的受害者, 累積到至少伍仟萬人次, 當然何時休是[正在進行式的台灣問題],不管美國怎麼樣說。
在中華民國流亡政權奴隸統治下的台灣人是被欺負又被侮辱的可憐虫, 非替惡魔劊子手集團投票《中華民國流亡政權偽總統》不可。在劊子手集團的神主牌失效前的中華民國流亡政權憲法不允許有【台灣總統候選人】, 也不可能有台灣人合法投票選【台灣總統】。
美國明明是二次大戰,太平洋戰區的戰勝國,征服台澎者,台澎是美國軍事佔領地,如1952年生效的舊金山和約所明記。 中華民國流亡政權根本沒有立錐之地。台灣人不可以選合法的台灣總統是[美式台灣民主]嗎?  美國憲法准許的民主嗎? 違憲! 這不是美國的自欺欺人又唯我獨尊的見死不救的錯誤嗎?
台灣人懇請全球的法律學院,智囊團和人權觀察家,針對中華民國流亡政權假藉 [民主,自由,平等和法治] 的普世價值幌子,實質操作[支那式新型奴隸制度] 及[支那式殖民主義恐怖統治] 的戰爭犯罪案,盼請學者深入鑽討揭開魔鬼的真面目為幸!  我們相信正義仍然健存,我們會感激你們的辛勤工作。也為2300萬現存的奴隸群,提前道謝並相信也會有客觀的[該授予普利策獎Pulitzer prize] 的榮譽。
自稱為中華民國的劊子手土匪集團的戰爭罪行為比起 ISIS自封伊斯蘭國,另名ISIL所為, 支那人的劣行, 是有過之而無不及。支那豬劊子手集團的謀殺台灣人的方式或強迫失踪者有356,257人, 多出ISIS甚多, 操恐怖主義70年還不覺悟的劣性屬畜性範疇,不是人之作為。正義的最後審判尤如上帝給人類的最終審判是必然的。支那人的原罪及在台灣所犯的三大戰爭犯罪案是跑不了的!
現實情況不是台灣人所願!   劊子手集團在台灣洗腦了多數台奸群, 背書支持 [實際有效控制], 他們不僅保持了政治上的一切體制及法律範疇的憲法體制。民進黨的蔡英文所說的 [我將在中華民國現行憲政體制下,依循普遍民意,持續推動兩岸關係的和平穩定發展]。台灣維持[中國和中華民國] 關係:如李翁兩國論, 阿扁一邊一國論及蔡英文的ROC現行憲政體制: 等於台灣人全數贊成政客的[統一論巧言] 。受70年洗腦的台灣人民意是什麼碗糕?
2015年7月16日, 中華民國流亡政權的偽外交部聲明: 中華民國流亡政權對台澎的主權不僅具有國際法的法律依據, 且還對台澎行使中華民國憲法權力長達70年(實際有效控制台澎)?!  --- 李登輝, 陳水扁, 蔡英文都大力背書支持土匪集團貽害台灣人不誤!  台灣人何時覺醒覺悟!
偽外交部表示: 中華民國流亡政權 通過開羅宣言,波茨坦宣言,日本投降書等一系列的文獻, 經由各國的或中國,英國,美國,俄羅斯和日本的全權代表或元首簽署的法律文件獲得了主權通過軍事佔領。而該權利也受到了舊金山和平條約及台北條約的證實…等指鹿為馬的邪詞。
中華民國流亡政權無視美國政策的行為是配合中國人民共和國的法律戰。 ROC in exile在台灣無立錐之地如上述, 中國的立場更薄弱, 免強說只有中國的三段論法, 而其基礎是國籍繼承法。 即強辯台灣是中華民國流亡政權的領土, 中華民國流亡政權是離反中國的一個叛亂團體. 因此,台灣是中國的一部分。
時間是有限的,中國宣布說: 中國將在2020年前控制到第二島嶼鏈, 因此, 它的時間表列上2016年的第一個目標就是拿回澎湖群島。..
為什麼澎湖?  因為, 「清國」攻台之前, 先犯澎湖之後逼臺灣的「明國」投降的歷史。  這一次, 將是現代的武裝船舶數百艘, 而不是清朝的帆船群舟。據了解, 中國的企圖是希望建立海上霸權, 覆蓋中國南海, 台灣, 關島等的第二個島嶼鏈。
https://youtu.be/o2zMj4PYI8E viewed by 416,378 persons.(2015-8-17-pm)
只可選擇一個和平有效, 集合利益相關盟友力量呼應
驅逐政治武裝難民回中國大陸, 利台又造福人類!
所有的政治運動是基於人民的力量。台灣的情況與其他國家完全不同。因為由武裝的中華民國流亡政權的侵略者, 實施70年之久洗腦教育, 這幾乎是3代的代溝。 雖然有些人可能會說, 我不是中國人, 我不受洗腦教育的影響。 但是, 大眾卻每一個人都想當頭家, 所謂一盤魚干全是頭, 如何達成共識?
其實所有的教育設施, 從胎教開始, 幼稚園準備班, 幼稚園, 小學教育, 初中高中, 一直到大學, 研究生院校, 以及整個公共設施, 地方提供人民生活條件的, 制度和文化活動全是中國思想, 完全排除拒絕台灣元素的介入。
這就是舊南斯拉夫區; 波斯尼亞, 克羅地亞等地發生的 [種族屠滅案的台灣版] 。中華民國流亡政權在台澎的一切行為, 犯上了種族屠滅案, 就是戰爭犯罪案的國際刑事法案。
台灣不是主權獨立的國家, 而台灣人對主要佔領權國的美國, 因70年長期的奴隸制度下, 懷有意見頗多; 台灣人認為美國敷衍塞責, 並擔心美國正在耍[虛偽的虛偽], 而且是真正的保護支持支那劊子手集團的[長達70年的殖民主義恐怖分子統治台灣] 的藏鏡人。不然, 一個流亡武裝恐怖分子集團,怎麼可能佔據[美國的合法軍事佔領地] 。在台灣的情況下,或許, 深入它是否屬於 [無聲的種族屠滅案]!
(依據 維基百科日語版的分類項目檢討)
(1)強奪行政機構: 是的,他們不僅搶走了行政機構, 以竊國侵略佔據原則處理台灣議題。  犯民族屠滅案的劊子手集團(自封中華民國流亡政權)佔據了整個台澎。他們毀滅了台灣人的希望,台灣未來的可能性,可見其破壞度的嚴重性。眾知的中華民國(流亡政權)從未擁有過台灣和澎湖列島的主權, 甚至一個小時都沒有擁有過, 中華民國的集團不外乎[劊子手集團] 戰爭犯罪案的兇手, 必定遲早會淪落為[戰爭犯罪案的國際通緝犯] 。
美國官報早就定義; 中華民國在台灣者[不是一個國家或政府] 。 可是, 劊子手集團反而完全佔據台澎並公佈台澎是中華民國的一個省份。整個中華民國的架構及核心的憲法都強制執行在台澎。在這個角度來看,中華民國的中國人逃往台灣的政治難民集團不過是強盜集團, 並且犯有--民族屠滅案的國際法的戰爭犯罪,  遲早將會一一繩之以法, 釐清法責後被伏法不誤!
(2)排除1945年前住台澎的不同民族的社會:  強制住民全部歸納為[中國人] 。 無論基於DNA研究的林媽利博士(台北市,馬偕醫院), 或沈建德博士(屏東市) 的人口統計學的計算,他們兩位學者都同意台灣人和中國人的【關係程度】幾乎近似[沒有值得思考的因素] 。
中華民國國民黨党軍的陳儀(後來叛變通中共,被蔣介石逮捕並槍殺), 在1945年10月25日公佈台澎全部住民600多萬人, 集體變更其日本國籍強制改為[中華民國的國籍] 。  支那人的中央級的決策猶如小學生的作業, 還值得討論否?  支那人在台澎的第一步就是[民族屠滅案] 。此後70年的路程, 每一步的奴隸行程必然是黑暗時代的路程。
請讀者轉告民進黨員, 不要做台奸! 回頭是岸!
(3)是否推動了[民族屠滅案]:  當然以戰勝統治台澎的政府管理者的姿態處理台澎事務; 未經授權的武裝難民群體自封中華民國的ROC的劊子手集團, 絕不會遲疑做最大的罪惡。他們印刷台灣銀行的紙幣和硬幣的貨幣, 也發行類似軍票的貨幣, 沒有任何控制規則, 當然就是通貨膨脹的來臨。 打印新的貨幣是徹底全面搶劫台灣的支那土匪的[民族屠滅案方法之一〕。老台幣$40,000.00換取新台幣$1.00是自稱中華民國劊子手集團的組織性犯罪案; 1949年6月15日公佈執行,這當然是戰爭犯罪行為。只是冰山一角。
(4)是否構成安全威脅?:劊子手集團的作為是超出過[安全的威脅] 甚多。正如上面提到的[多少台灣人被殺害或強迫失踪!] 。  關鍵數字是356257人至5000萬人次累計。  台灣人自己也不知道70年來, 有多少人當了[支那人的搖錢樹或性奴隸]!   台灣的黑暗世界, 人間地獄的情況, 美國駐台的2-3,000人不知情嗎?  如果有檔案, 什麼時候會解禁公開?  支那人的口號是:我們寧殺99無辜台灣人, 來找出一個真正的罪犯。  支那人是魔鬼不是人,  罪犯也必定是支那人, 而無辜的99人是台灣人!  台灣人要知道支那人的目標是屠殺台灣人。 劊子手集團的每一舉動就是[恐怖主義的恐怖] 。
(5)要求解除現場地區的居民武裝:國際標準或許認為多處地方的住民可攜帶武器!   可憐台灣人是空手赤拳, 不能攜帶武器或超過一英尺的任何刀刃。台灣不是中華民國流亡政權的領土, 不使用美國的法律而自訂引水我田違反美國憲法。  這是荒謬的武裝難民自封為中華民國迫使臺澎居民70年之長, 而還不知何時休!
被支那人武裝政治難民劊子手集團, 逼成【主人】反而淪落為[境內, 政治的奴性難民], 在人類歷史是首創, 美國歷史首遇的醜惡污點。 193個國家在聯合國高頌[自由民主, 平等法治, 反對殖民統治異民族], 但卻視台灣人的池魚之殃而不顧長達70年, 這是令人難以置信的、不但是偽善且是違反聯合國憲章。
(6)對村莊也執行解除武裝:自稱中華民國的劊子手集團的屠滅手段不手軟,1947年3月16日之後, 劊子手集團命名稱呼[清鄉], 劊子手集團到每個鄉村及山地, 挨戶搜索, 乘機大開殺戮, 到1950年2月28日165257人被殺害或強迫失踪。謀殺了165257人,這表示, 魔鬼查過台澎每一平方吋的土地, 展出寧殺無辜台灣人99條命的不人道恐怖主義命令。
清鄉掃蕩搜索行動持續了約3年, 共屠殺165,257人無辜台灣人, 易言之, 劊子手魔鬼集團每天屠殺150人。 聯合國和美國對支那劊子手集團的風聲鶴唳屠殺不急救, 慢長歷史長河70年中, 不但還不能平反, 魔鬼還在台灣[文明奴役台灣人], 美國或聯合國不問不理台灣人的怨恨, 保持沉默
(7)趕出整個住民:我們希望中國人驅逐出台灣人。相反地, 支那劊子手集團趕不出台灣人,  1945年10月25日起, 違反國際法集体變更6佰萬日本國籍居民為中華民國國籍。  等於驅逐600萬日本人, 新生600萬台灣奴隸來繳稅又服兵役。這當然行不通的魔術。自投羅網, 證明支那人犯上了[台灣民族屠滅案] 的沒有時效的戰爭犯罪案件。等待不久將來的一一繩之以法, 並依章使其伏法。
(8)大規模強姦:大規模強姦的目的是明確地企圖種族的肉體上的改種的原始方法手段。支那人採用異曲同工。一勞永逸,全方向,全天候的方式,令台灣人防不勝防,比青黴素抗生素更有效。動用國家機器, 整套命令系統的霸占, 長期的洗腦教育制度、經過70年仍然不變的轉動, 以夷制夷--支那豬不在舞台上, 而台灣人接續洗台灣人腦, 例如李陳蔡的兩國論, 一邊一國論及未來一中台灣唯一選項; 這些全然沒有台灣的存在, 台灣上的中華民國卻嚴然存在;而沒有[台灣建國的輿論]。這才是台灣人的悲哀。
(9)企圖滅絕台灣人始終一致:支那豬劊子手集團第一個動作是強戴中國人的大帽子在台灣人頭上, 步步消滅[台灣人] 的觀念。第一步就是冠上非法的中華民國的國籍。接著長期不斷的消滅一切台灣口味, 氣息, 歷史, 文化, 習慣, 風俗, 地名, 語言,甚至於生活娛樂都受到徹底消滅。支那人在台澎的民族屠滅案行為是空前絕後,在中國境內也無前例。
(10)搶劫台灣人資產是支那人的専長: 是的,中華民國流亡政權的專長是吃台灣人。換句話說, 所有的經濟損失, 都由台灣人買單。  ROC不擁有台灣的主權, 因此上下都不怕吃相難看, 能貪多少就貪吃。印刷鈔票是捷徑, 打印的貨幣支付政府開支導致貨幣的通貨膨脹。 那麼,就打印新台幣的新貨幣。舊台幣$ 40,000.00變更新台幣$1.00。它比搶劫簡單可靠, 台灣人全民買單, 不亦樂乎!   中國抓住所有的日本資產,其中包括一些高砂族資產注入國民黨(政黨,而不是公開的政府)的資產。
在土地所有權的政策改革的名義,台灣人農民不允許擁有超過3甲地=約7.7英畝的土地。 (1甲= 2.40英畝)。 台灣的資本構成是基於土地,因此,中華民國流亡政權的意圖是在摧毀台灣的資本結構,以建立劊子手集團的殖民恐怖主義統治。 歷史證明了中華民國流亡政權做到了, 而且它仍然是現在進行式的台灣問題。
 為什麼不呢?我們沒有辦法理解為什麼日本政府即使1952年後SFPT生效後, 在日本的台獨同志被日本政府逮捕並送給國民黨 ROC流亡政府處罰的歷史。我們沒有名單,但是, 台灣建國後, 歷史真相必然會一步一步展顯出來。
台灣民眾有80%以上的人口在台灣是擁有【住民自決】國際法身份的【1945原臺澎住民及其後代】,並擁有400年或更長的時間說幾千年的歷史,但由於恐怖主義下的台灣人沒有投票權選【台灣總統】,沒有到建立自己的國家或政府, 並選元首或組織政府來代表他們。這應該意味著台灣人是被中國政治難民侵略, 自己反而淪陷為一種多元性的[境內, 政治, 奴性難民]?
我們看到美國是敷衍塞責,我們憂慮美國正在[鬧虛偽的虛偽], 而且是真正的親中華民國流亡政權的[恐怖主義殖民統治台灣70年長的劊子手集團]的支持者。 如果美國說可以投票選出台灣的真總統, 不可選中華民國的假冒非法恐怖份子的總統;在中華民國流亡政權的70年長的人間地獄的死凍冬天後,台灣人必然會有遲來的台灣春天。
這才是真正的和平手段爭取如何擔任自己的角色的開始。球不在台灣人手中,  【台灣自治政府】已多次擲球給美國。  美國鼓勵台灣人選【真貨台灣總統】是合法的, 合符SFPT1952年,1979年TRA及其母法美國憲法的明確說明。
《中華民國流亡政權假總統》選舉就快到了。 2016年一月的罪惡行徑, 理應火速禁止,並選舉
(1)    台灣總統:讓台灣依據台灣關係法(1979) 全面刷新建政[台灣自治政府] ,驅逐流亡政權回金馬。
(2)    要終止中華民國流亡政權及其失效的憲法。
(3)凡台灣相關的組織或個人支持國民黨/中華民國流亡政權者, 理應被視為恐怖殖民統治者, 應視其為台灣及台灣人的敵人。
5-2-007 EN White Paper Revised.
The White Paper of
Taiwan Autonomous Government
Chapter one: Consensus of Formosan Impossible!
On the 70th Anniversary day of August 15th, the end of World War II
Only Taiwan has been trapped in The Colonial Terrorism Rule
Supported by Strategic Ambiguity Policy of USA!
Congratulation to many countries born after the world war II!  It was only 42 countries when the League of Nations was established in 1919, and it was 63 countries, when it was adapted into the new organization called the United Nationstoday.
After the end of world war II, the new countries of Africa, Asia and many mini states and even the city states became the member of UN (The United Nations).  The total member is 193 members now of 2015.  The world deserved to be celebrated!
Most people on the world made a great progresses i.e. Free from the slavery, Free from the Colonial Rules, Free from the Communist despotic state (Dissolution of  Soviet Union), although there are still some unsolved cases, yet, we can hardly find a similar to Taiwan questions that Formosan has been under the illegal colonial terrorism rules by the Foreign Armed Political Refugee supported by USA for 70 years.
Formosan is not Chinese, Taiwan is not Republic of China, Republic of China is not Taiwan. This is the ironbound rule according the history of these 193 countries in United Nations.  The self-determination of peoples (20 million or 23 million depends to  about max. 3 million Chinese fled to Taiwan wants to be Chinese or Formosan) should be applied to Formosan without any question.
The self-styled Republic of China armed political refugee group  has never owned the sovereignty of Formosa and the Pescadores for even an hour in their history.  There is no legal document or treaty that provided the evidence of Republic of China is authorized, entrusted or requested by the legal right party or parties to manages or rule Formosa and the Pescadores. 
Also there is no law that considers the bandit terrorist murderer group could be qualified to manage, rule, to be entrusted and or protect Formosa and the Pescadores, regardless ROC is actually and legally the ruined state, and the so-called entity (ROC in exile) has the pending crime of the war crimes with no statute of limitations. 
ROC in exile is not qualified to enforce any works of a state.   Thus, it is not only ROC in exile is illegal, the USA has not expelled ROC in exile out of Taiwan is also unlawful by the standard of international law. 
The terrorism colonial rules or say it more clearly the rifles made in USA is the fundamental crimes and sins in terms of (1) The Formosan Ethnic Cleansing, (2) The 228 Genocides and (3) The Terrorism Colonial Rules by the Chinese of Republic of China, over the bare handed Formosan for 70 years.   Please see video of Why arm sales to ROC in exile is unlawful:
https://www.youtube.com/watch v=MYOmd5aKAQo   (Taiwan gate and Illegal Arm Sales) 13:01 min.
No one on the world tries to reprimand the Terrorist armed group on Taiwan for 70 years, while many exaggerated Japan bashing, or bashing of ISIS, self-style Islam state, by-name of ISIL are rather common.
To the eyes of Formosan, USA seems in favor of the pro-Chinese doctrine and might betray Formosa again, after the history described by George Kerr written in his book of [Formosa Betrayed] 1966 that recorded how the military occupied force--Chinese troops in rags-- murdered the civilized people of the bare hands of Taiwan. 
Unfortunately, USA took no action against the Genocides.  It is the disgrace on US history.
The 70 years passed since the end of the World War II in 1945, but, Taiwan has been forgotten by the world.  It is the shame and the disgrace of the civilized world to create the modern type of slave and refugee on Taiwan.  Formosan is the slave and refugee that we call ourselves as [Domestic, Political, Slavish Refugee]. 
We wrote to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for their approval of Taiwan peoples is [Domestic, Political, Slavish Refugee] a new type of Refugee created by the Chinese refugees invaded on Taiwan with rifles made in USA.  We are still waiting for the certificate for the people of Taiwan.
Domestic  means most of Formosan have been staying at the place they were born, their home; Political means the disaster suffered Formosan brought in by the outsider Chinese of ROC in exile, in spite of Formosan feeds Chinese, Chinese bites Formosan  hands that feeds Chinese.  The bandit armed with the rifles made in USA, and bandit is still in the power today, even 70 years after the war.  Slavish means Formosan has to pay tax and serve the military duty of the invader, etc. Refugee means Formosan living on their own land and has no right to vote for its own President of Taiwan, instead, it is the duty to vote for the fake president of ROC in exile. 
Formosan is the puppet of the invader to vote for a fake president of ROC in exile.  Is this the Freedom, Democracy, Equality and Constitutional government of the USA standard?
The USA ships brought Chinese in rags to Taiwan in October 1945, and the bandit start to murder Formosan in February 1947 in terms of War Crimes with no statues of limitations.  Truman said: "They're thieves, every damn one of them," talking about the Nationalist party leaders.    Chiang's order by telegram during the 288 Genocides reads:  Kill them all and keep it quiet!, when his additional troops arrived Taiwan.  Finally, of course, Chinese KMT on Taiwan became one of the richest political party on the world, and still is enforcing [Colonial Terrorism Rules] on Taiwan today of 2015. 
How many Formosans were murdered or enforced disappearance?
It   has been stated orally before Chinese started the falsification of history that 356,257 persons were murdered or enforced disappearances from Taiwan
(1)     The 228 Genocide 1947-2-28 to 1947-3-15, murdered at least 44,000 persons or more;
(2)     the mopping operation after the Genocide 1947-3-16 to 1950-2-28 165,257 persons murdered or enforced disappearances from Taiwan;
(3)     the dark age of 1950-3-01 to 1988-1-13 when Chiang Chin-kuo died, at least 147,000 or more were murdered or enforced disappearances from Taiwan. 
The victims under the Colonial Terrorism Rules in the name of ROC (in exile) and its Staled Constitution has accumulated to at least 50,000,000 by 2015, and it is still the on-going issue on Taiwan, regardless of what USA says.   
The insulted and the injured people of Taiwan has to vote for the fake president of ROC in exile, and not allowed by the Staled Constitution of the ruined ROC to vote for, or to announce President of Taiwan as candidacy.  
This is the Democracy for Formosan on the USA military occupying territory as per the SFPT of 1952, TRA of 1979 and its mother law of USA constitution!  Is this the ego or the self-deceit of USA?
All the  Law Colleges, Think Tanks and Human Right Watchers  are sincerely request to make a deep drill of this new model of the slavery under the cover of Democracy, Freedom, Equality and Constitution, as the universal value camouflaged by Chinese of ROC in exile.  Your suggestion to change the old established Strategic Ambiguity Policy too, that has insulted and injured the people of Taiwan for 70 years already by 2015.
It should be awarded by the Pulitzer prize to the good reports on Taiwan, we are sure, and we will appreciate your hard works.  Thank you in advance for your concern of the 23,000,000 slaves in the 21st century.   
The war crimes by the bandit group of the self-styled as ROC  is much awful than ISIS, self-styled Islam state, also sub-name ISIL, in terms of how many were murdered and how long the terror has been exercised i.e.  Taiwan has been under the terror for 70 years by now, without a sign of when it will end.  The Chinese bandit should be considered as one of the wanted criminals of the pending war criminals on its major Original Sins and Crimes. 
The reality is that they are not only remain out of law's reach, on the contrary, their power has never been interrupted in terms of the name of state, whole schemes and the core constitution are all well, not only protected by Chinese but also by the brain-washed Formosan including the political leaders.   
On July 16, 2015 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of ROC(in exile) declared of ROC (in exile) has the sovereignty of Taiwan and Penghu not only having the legal basis of international law, but also exercised the constitutional power on the lands over 70 years. --(Actual and Effective Control of Taiwan)--. 
MFA said ROC(in exile) gained the sovereignty through the Cairo Declaration, the Potsdam Declaration, the Japanese Instrument of Surrender and a series of legal documents signed by the heads of nations or plenipotentiaries of China, England, US, Russia and Japan, not by the military occupation. And the rights were also confirmed by both of the San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Treaty of Taipei.  
The action of ROC in exile that disregarded the USA policy is due to the Law Warfare of PRC, because PRC's syllogism has been based on the international law of succession i.e. Taiwan is the territory of ROC in exile, and ROC is one of the defector from PRC.  Thus, Taiwan is a part of China. 
Time is limited,  PRC announced China will control the second islands chain by 2020, thus, it  schedules the Pescadores is the first target for 2016. …
Why Penghu (The Pescadores)?  Because, the Chin Dynasty took over Penghu before pressed the remnants of defeated troops of Min Dynasty on Taiwan to surrender in the history.  This time, the armed modern ships in hundreds instead of the Junk fleet of Chin Dynasty .   It is understood that PLA wishes to establish the naval supremacy covering the South China Sea, Taiwan, Guam etc. up to the second islands chain.  http://tw01.org/m/blogpost?id= 1970702%3ABlogPost%3A1859173
https://youtu.be/o2zMj4PYI8E  viewed by 416,378 persons.(2015-8-17-pm)
What we are going to do!
This is a peaceful measure to Formosan slave who
has no military or political capacity.
Formosan deserves to request UN sending troops
to expel the political armed refugee back to China mainland!
The double means is bring KMT/ROC in exile to
the international court for criminals of:
Formosa Ethnic Cleansing, the 228 Genocides and
the Colonial Terrorism Rule for 70 year in ROC name.
All political movement is based on the power of the people.  The situation of Taiwan is completely different from other countries.  Since the 70 year long brain washing education enforced by the invader of Chinese of ROC in exile, it is almost 3 generations, although some may say I am not Chinese, I am not brain-washed, yet, when it comes to the mass of people, there is no consensus. 
Actually all educational facilities, starting from the prenatal training, the life before the kinder garden, the nursery schools, elementary education, all the way up to the University, the graduate school, and the whole scheme where it provides the people of its living conditions are the Chinese system and culture to deny the Taiwan elements.  It is the Formosa Ethnic Cleansing and what the difference  between Chinese civilized terror and what happened in  Bosnia, Croatia etc., the old Yugoslav. Ethnic cleansing is the crime under international law!  In the case of Taiwan, it may better to drill down it as the Silent ethnic cleansing!  
Methods of Ethnic cleansing:

(Methods items listed in Wikipedia Japanese version)

(1)     Take over the municipality:   Yes, not only the municipality they took away but the whole state from Formosan. They took away the hope, the possibility of the future of Taiwan from Formosan.  And, 70 years passed away.   It is well known that ROC(in exile) has never owned the sovereignty of Formosa and the Pescadores for even an hour, and there is no evidence to prove; ROC was authorized to rule Taiwan, ROC was entrusted to managed Taiwan, and ROC was requested to govern Taiwan.
ROC and ROC in exile has been defined by USA officially that ROC is not a state or a government but they control completely the whole land of Formosa and the Pescadores, all scheme and the core constitution has been enforcing over Taiwan.  The Chinese of ROC in exile has camouflaged Formosa and the Pescadores as a province of its territory.  In this point of view, the Chinese of ROC fled to Taiwan is nothing but the bandit group and committed the war crimes per  International law of Ethnic Cleansing or Silent ethnic cleansing.   
(2)     Exclusion from society of different ethnic groups:   No matter based on DNA study by Dr. Marie Lin( 林媽利 ) of Mackay Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan or the Vital demographic statistics by Dr. Ken-teh Shim( 沈建德 ), Ping-ton, Taiwan, both of them agreed Taiwanese (aka Formosan) is completely difference from Han of Chinese.   The Chinese Military Occupying Head, Chen-Yi ordered (1945-10-25) to disguise Formosan as the whole group o nearly 6 million to the fake Nationality of ROC.  It is not only the invalidity nationality but also the illegal against the international law.  This action committed the Ethnic Cleansing or Silent ethnic cleansing.   
(3)     Promotional activities:   Exercising as if the managing government, the un-authorized armed refugee group self-styled as ROC (in exile) will never hesitated to do the maximum evil.   They printed the currency of paper and coins in name of Taiwan Bank, also military currency etc., without any control rules, it created the inflation of course.  It ended up to print the new currency say New Taiwan notes and the exchange rates of Old Taiwan $40,000.00 to New Taiwan $1.00  This is the organized crimes by Chinese of ROC fled to Taiwan, at 1949-06-15.  It is the war crimes of course.  Yet, it is  only a tip of an iceberg.
(4)     Threaten safety:   It has been more than the threaten of safety.  As above mentioned in the paragraph of [ How many Formosan were murdered and or enforced disappearances!]   The key numbers are 356,257 persons and 50 million accumulated numbered in 70 years, and there is no numbers of how many worked a Money-Trees and Sex-Slaves who were in the hell on earth, a living hell.  It was more than [Threaten safety].
(5)     To disarm the residents of urban areas:   Formosan is not allowed to  carry arms or any knife longer than a foot, against the USA law.  It  is ridiculous the armed refugee self-styled as ROC can forced the residents of the USA occupied territory under the terrorism slavery for 70 years without the sign of when it will stop.   The Political Refugee trapped Formosan became as Domestic, Political, Slavish Refugee!  It is the first case on Human History. The 193 states in UN does not stand at the side of Formosan is the unbelievable illegal phenomenon.
(6)     To disarm villages:   The mopping operation after the Genocide 1947-3-16 to 1950-2-28 165,257 persons murdered or enforced disappearances from Taiwan.  To murdered 165,257 persons means to disarm at every corners more than villages.  The mopping operation lasted about 3 years (Thus, Chinese murderer killed the innocent Formosan 150 person everyday), and the Colonial Terrorism Rules continued more than 60 years after the mopping operation in sizes of Genocides.  The world of UN and USA has kept silent during the terror.
(7)     Evict:   Formosan wished Chinese did evict Formosan out of Taiwan.  Chinese forced the total population of nearly 6 million residents as the group, against the international law, to carry the fake nationality of ROC on October 25th, 1945.  The purpose of Evict is to decrease the population of the hard to control, thus to change the total population to Chinese nationality can control them on a charge of High Treason with the death penalty.   The action of the bandit group correspond to the item of Evict.
(8)  For mass rape:    The purpose of mass rape is the primitive crime of an attempt to change the ethnic or the race.  The parallel crime is to kill all male of adults and boys.  China pigs have a better idea than the head of Ethnic Cleansing in Yugoslavia.  The Chinese terrorist on Taiwan adopted the different songs with the same excellence.  Once and for all, in all directions, all-weather mode, so that the people of Taiwan are very hard to fight against it, it is much effective than penicillin antibiotics.
The invader applied it with the state apparatus, the entire chain of command to be occupied with KMT group, the long-term brain washing education system - more than 70 years remains the same rotation, Chinese murderer is no longer on stage, and Taiwanese is taking the teaching position to brain washing their own people of Taiwan, for example, the two countries doctrine by Lee Ten-hui,  Two different states on each side of Strait by A-Bean, and finally [The final one China is the only choice for Taiwan] by Tsai Ing-wen.
The three Formosan political leaders are brain washing Formosan that the Republic of China is Formosan country! Period.  The Republic of China was handled by Lee to Chen and then to Tsai.  This is also one of the side effect of the Strategic Ambiguity Policy of USA.
(9)     To extinction:    The fake, illegal nationality forced to all inhabitants on Taiwan, Formosan and trying to destroy or murder of their lives, culture, languages, the character of Formosan, the manners and customs of Taiwan, even, the name of place, roads, towns, music and songs, in all aspects. 
(10)   It wants to destroy the assets:    Yes, The Chinese of ROC (in exile) did whatever they can do, in other words, they put all economical damages upon Formosan to reduce Economical Power of Formosan.   a. To print the currency notes for their spending, to create the inflation of the currency used by Formosan (Old Taiwan Currency), then, to print the new currency of New Taiwan Dollar.  The old Taiwan dollar $40,000.00 changes to New Taiwan dollar.  It is much worse than the Robbery.  Chinese seized all Japanese assets including some Formosan assets  into the KMT assets (the political party, not the public governmental),
Under the name of Reformation of Policy of Ownership of land, Formosan farmer  is not allowed to own the land of more than 3 Ka=about 7.7 acre. (1 Ka = 2.39 acre.) .  The composition of capital of Taiwan is based on the land, thus, Chinese intended to destroy the Taiwan Capital structure in order to establish their Colonial Terrorism Rule on Taiwan, and the history proved yes, Chinese did it, and it is still the on-going issue.  If you are not the farmer, then, you have no right to own the land on Taiwan.--- Some Chinese does.
( 11)   To  refugee the compatriots of areas outsides of the controlled:   Why not?   We have no way to understand why the Japanese government even after 1952 the SFPT became effective, many Formosan activists of pre-Taiwan independent were arrested by Japanese government and sent back to KMT/ORC in exile for punishments.  We have no name lists, but, it could be available when the non-risk circumstance developed. 
Taiwan people has 80% or more population on Taiwan, and  has been the inhabitants for 400 years or even for much longer to say a few thousands year history, but due to the Terrorist Chinese, Formosan has no right to vote for President of Taiwan, has no right to establish of its own state or government to represent them.  Isn't it mean Formosan is the political refugee made by the Chinese political refugee invaded Taiwan? 
The Final Conclusion
We see prevarication, and worries that the US is being [disingenuous and hypocritical], and is really in the camp of pro-Chinese terrorist Colonial Rule for 70 years by now of 2015.
If USA can say to vote and elect the President of Taiwan, instead of the fake illegal Terrorist President of ROC in exile that does not exist in  the USA dictionary and policy, the belated Spring of Taiwan will come after 70 year long frozen dead China Winter. 
This is the real peaceful measure for Formosan to take their role to start.   The ball is not in the hand of Formosan but in the USA.  It is legal and lawful.  It is exactly what SFPT of 1952, TRA of 1979 and its mother law US constitution described clearly, no mistake. 
The Evil act of the election of the fake President of ROC in exile on coming January 2016 should be forbidden urgently, and the election of:
(1)     To elect the President of Taiwan, with new scheme as per TRA 1979 regulation.
(2)     To terminate the scheme of ROC in exile with its staled constitution.
(3)     Any party of organization or individual who supports KMT/ROC in exile shall be considered as a part of Terrorist Colonial Rulers, the enemy of Formosan.
The election of President of Taiwan shall be defined as the independent election of Taiwan Autonomous Election, since the ROC in exile has no right to represent the people of Taiwan.  
All the international society including the United Nations shall be invited to observe the election by Formosan, and the Chinese origin who came to Taiwan after 1945 excluded in this election.
The privileges of Chinese ( who came to Taiwan after 1945-08-15, and their descendant) to stay and live on Taiwan continually is subject to the regulation of USA immigration rules.
Published by TAG