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認識自己 整裝再出發 - 透視臺灣的地位(2) -摘要 By: 何瑞元
【佔領】有很多種方式,對臺灣的處理、美國所使用的方式是不需要有任何美國大兵在 ”現場(街上)”的佔領方式。
我們必需強調美國在實務上的處理模式,那就是軍事政府管轄階段的結束皆需由 ”統帥”來正式宣佈,這也正是我們所看到的美西戰爭後的土地割讓的處理模式;而琉球亦正是由尼克森總統正式宣佈 “美國軍事政府” 的管轄在1972年5月15日結束。
以琉球的例子來比較臺灣;從1952年的杜魯門總統到2014年當今的美國總統歐巴馬皆從未宣佈 “美國軍事政府” 對臺灣的管轄權已結束。
“臺灣地位” 可以描述為 “尚未決定” 的狀況或 “尚未處理(解決)” 的情況。在國際社會中,臺灣不被當成獨立的實體,事實上、這也是幾十年來美國行政部門官員們不斷的宣稱或表明臺灣目前就是處於這種狀態。換言之,目前的臺灣只是地理名詞,臺灣這個地區並不屬於任何特定的國家。
美國行政部門一再表明臺灣的法律地位是“尚未決定” 的狀況或 “尚未處理(解決)” 的情況,這已充分的證明了臺灣的法律地位、在目前仍然是在美國的軍事佔領下。
這些情況是什麼時候開始的呢? 在1945年10月底 (前)中華民國是雖已經有在臺灣行使行政(民事)管理權;但這並非是指它擁有臺灣的(領土)主權。在1949年12月初中華民國被迫離開中國逃亡至非屬其國內、在美國佔領保護下的臺灣;從那之後中華民國已淪為流亡政府;甚至於可以說在1952年4月舊金山和平條約生效的時點之前已經成為流亡政權。
不管如何,我們不要忘記 (前)中華民國(原蔣介石所領導)並非合法的臺灣佔領者、它只過是在那個時期、是具有美國這個合法的臺灣佔領者的代理人身份而已。舊金山和平條約SFPT已清楚明白的授與美國對臺灣的管轄權,這也已經充分表示出臺灣是美國的佔領地。
1949年6月18日,蔣經國的日記記載:蔣介石對蔣經國說『英、美 恐我不能固守台灣,…使其太平洋海島防線發生缺口,亟謀由我交還美國管理…』(《蔣經國先生全集》,第一冊,第446頁)。
Taiwan Perspectives (2): Lessons from the Spanish American War
The Spanish American War began in 1898, and was carried out in the Caribbean and Pacific Theatres. After much fighting between United States and Spanish troops, the Spanish military officials surrendered on the following dates:
Locality (地區)_______ End of Hostilities (戰鬥停止日)
Cuba 古巴 July 17, 1898
Puerto Rico 波多黎各 Aug. 12, 1898
Guam 關島 June 21, 1898
Philippines 菲律賓 Aug. 14, 1898
A treaty was signed to mark the end of the war, and it came into force on April 11, 1899. Spain ceded Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines to the United States. In the same treaty, Spain ceded Cuba. However, while Spain's sovereignty over Cuba was relinquished, no recipient was designated.
在04-11-1899 美西雙方簽署和平條約(巴黎條約)結束戰爭。西班牙割讓波多黎各、關島、菲律賓給美國;而在同一條約中,西班牙雖交出了古巴的領土主權、但卻沒有指定收受國。
Let us now introduce a definition of the word cede.
cede 割讓
cede: (1) to surrender possession of, especially by treaty, (2) to transfer control of or sovereignty over specific property or territory, especially by treaty, (3) to surrender or give up something such as land, rights, or power, (4) [noun] cession
割讓:(1) 依條約交出所有權 (2) 在特定的產業或領土上,依條約移轉其控制或讓渡其主權 (3)交出或放棄一塊土地、權利或控制權(4) [名詞] 領土的割讓(轉讓)
Note: According to the dictionary definition of cede as given above, there is no strict requirement that a "receiving country" be designated in order to complete the act of ceding, or making a cession.
When territory is ceded without the specification of a "receiving country" it may simply be called a limbo cession.
當一塊領土被割讓、但沒有指定特定的 “收受國” 時,它可以稱為是領土的懸空割讓(轉讓)。
Such a definition is helpful in talking about the Spanish American War cessions.
這樣的定義有助於理清 美西戰爭後有關割讓的意涵。
[ Point A 時點 ] [ Point B時點]
Locality End of Hostilities (戰鬥終止日) Peace Treaty和平條約締結日
Cuba July 17, 1898 April 11, 1899
Puerto Rico Aug. 12, 1898 April 11, 1899
Guam June 21, 1898 April 11, 1899
Philippines Aug. 14, 1898 April 11, 1899
It is important to recognize that from the time of the surrender ceremonies in each locality until the coming into force of the peace treaty, these four island groups were under the jurisdiction of the United States, however the sovereignty remained with Spain.
The situation changed as of April 11, 1899. On this date, the sovereignty of the United States over Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines, has been established, however the status of Cuba remains as “unsettled” or “undetermined.”
但,從1899年4月1日和平條約締結日當天開始,情況(地位)就改變了。也就是說從這一天開始美國的(領土)主權及於(包含) 波多黎各、關島、菲律賓;但古巴的情況(地位)依然是仍停留在尚未處理(解決) 或尚未決定的狀況。
Let’s do a more complete overview, which we will call an ABCD Analysis. For our dates, we will designate Points. We will also designate an End Result. What this refers to is an End Result after the period of military occupation. Let us not forget that the “surrender ceremonies” do not mark the end of the war. The end of the war only occurs via some sort of formal peace settlement.
讓我們從A、B、C、D 的4個時點來完整的說明其每個 ”階段日” 意涵及其最終的 ”結果”。這反應出從軍事佔領開始之後(經過若干期間)到最終結果的一系列說明。我們一定要記得 “投降儀式”的舉行並非表示戰爭已經結束;戰爭的結束認定是必需經由正式的和平條約的締結才算數。
Point A marks the surrender ceremonies. This is the beginning of the military occupation. Who is the legal occupier? Under the customary laws of warfare, the legal occupier is the conqueror.
A 時點:表示投降儀式的舉行。這也是軍事佔領的開始。那麼、誰才是合法的佔領者?根據戰爭慣例法,其合法的 “佔領權者” 就是該地區的 “征服者”。
Point B marks the coming into force of the peace treaty. For the Spanish American War, this was April 11, 1899.
B 時點:表示已談妥條件進入了簽署和平條約的階段。例如美西戰爭後的和平條約簽署日為04-11-1899。
Point C marks the end of the military occupation. Military occupation is conducted under military government. Hence, military government is active from Points A to C.
C 時點:表示軍事佔領的結束(終止)。軍事佔領區的民事行政是由軍事政府管理與指導,因此軍事政府的管理是含蓋從A 時點 至 C 時點。
D 時點:最終的結果
The Territorial Cessions of the Spanish American War
[ Point A ] [ Point B ] [ Point C ] [ End Result D ]
A 時點 B 時點 C 時點 D 最終的結果
地區 戰鬥停止日 和平條約締結日 軍事(政府)佔領結束日 最終地位
Locality End of Hostilities Peace Treaty End of Military Occupation Final Status
(Surrender-投降儀式) 和平條約締結日 (End of Military Government)
Cuba July 17, 1898 April 11, 1899 May 20, 1902 Republic of Cuba古巴
Puerto Rico Aug. 12, 1898 April 11, 1899 May 1, 1900 US overseas territory
Guam June 21, 1898 April 11, 1899 July 1, 1950 US overseas territory
Philippines Aug. 14, 1898 April 11, 1899 July 4, 1901 US overseas territory
The laws of war apply in occupied territories. Many civilians will ask: For territorial cessions after war, when does the military occupation end? The answer is that for the military occupation to come to an end, the military government of the legal occupier must be supplanted by a recognized civil government in each area.
Looking at the historical data, we find that the dates of the end of United States Military Government (USMG) jurisdiction in these four localities were announced by the U.S. Commander in Chief as follows: Cuba: May 20, 1902; Puerto Rico: May 1, 1900; Guam: July 1, 1950; and Philippines: July 4, 1901.
Jurisdiction v. Sovereignty 管轄權 (民事行政) vs. 主權(領土)
Returning to our discussion of jurisdiction and sovereignty, we can see that for these four areas, Point A to Point B is the period of time where the United States had jurisdiction but not sovereignty.
現在回到我們對管轄權 (行政民事方面) 和 主權(領土)的討論,我們可以看到這四個地區從A時點到B時點的階段,美國只擁有管轄權而無(領土)主權。
For Cuba, this situation of the United States having jurisdiction but not sovereignty continues up to Point C. This is because in the peace treaty, Spain ceded Cuba, but no receiving country was designated. In other words, Cuba was a limbo cession.
就古巴而言,這情況只是抵達至C時點的狀況,美國只擁有管轄權而無主權;這是因為在和平條約中西班牙割讓了古巴但是並沒有指定收受國,換言之古巴的割讓是一種 “懸空割讓”。
What is the legal status of Cuba from Point B to Point C? During this period of time, Cuba remains under military occupation. It does not belong to any other country, nor is it independent. Having not yet reached a final political status, its condition can best be described as “undetermined” or “unsettled.” We might describe it as a quasi USA trusteeship under military government within the U.S. insular law framework.
古巴從B時點到C時點的法定地位是什麼呢?在這個階段的古巴是仍處於軍事佔領中;情況是它不屬於任何國家但也不是獨立的主體。因它並沒有達到最終的政治地位,它的情況可以描述為尚未決定的狀況或尚未處理(解決)的情況。我們可以形容這種情況歸屬在 “美國海外列島法” 架構內、在軍事政府底下的 “準美國託管區”。
On May 20, 1902, the United States announced that Cuba had become independent.
在05-20-1952 美國政府宣告古巴為主權獨立的國家。
As an overview of the situations in these four localities, we can see that there are only two possible types of an “End Result” after a period of military occupation. No. 1 is that the territory becomes an independent sovereign nation. No. 2 is that the territory becomes “part of” another independent sovereign nation.
Taiwan Beginning in 1945 (1945年起的臺灣)
With the above knowledge, we can examine the situation of Taiwan after the close of hostilities in WWII in a more accurate and knowledgeable fashion.
Looking back over the historical record, the statement regarding "Undetermined Taiwan Sovereignty" was first explicitly announced by President Harry Truman. On June 27, 1950, Truman declared that “the future status of Formosa must await the restoration of security in the Pacific, a peace settlement with Japan, or consideration by the United Nations.”
回顧歷史記錄,有關 “臺灣主權尚待決定” 的聲明首見於美國杜魯門總統的明確宣告。在06-27-1950 (韓戰期間), 美國杜魯門總統公開宣佈 “未來福爾摩沙(臺灣)地位的解決將必需等待太平洋地區的安全恢復、與日夲締結和平條約或由聯合國來考量決定。
An important point of consideration was the Cairo Declaration of Dec. 1, 1943, which although holding that Taiwan would be returned to the Republic of China (ROC) at the end of WWII in the Pacific, did not create a legal procedure to actually accomplish this transfer. The completion of such a legal transfer would involve Japan's formal relinquishment of sovereignty by way of territorial cession, the precise specification of a “receiving country,” and the acceptance of these terms and conditions by the successor state. As most people know, in the post-Napoleonic world, territorial cession is accomplished by treaty.
一個很重要的觀念那就是有關12-01-1943的開羅新聞公報(一種意向書),雖然它有表示在二戰後(太平洋戰區)將把臺灣歸給中華民國(ROC),但這種意向表示並不能形成法定轉移的效力。完整有效的法定轉移有賴於日夲依領土割讓的程序、精準的指出一個 “收受國”、並經由此收受國也同意接受其受讓的各項條件之下、才能在有效的法律下讓渡其標的。大部分的人皆知拿破崙時代以後所有的領土割讓(轉讓)均必需依照條約來解決(完成手續)。
Let’s do our ABCD Analysis for Taiwan and for the Ryukyu Island group, both of which are territories over which Japan made a new disposition in the San Francisco Peace Treaty (SFPT) of 1952.
Two Territorial Cessions of WWII in the Pacific
地區 [ Point A 時點] [ Point B時點] [ Point C時點] [ End Result D時點]
Locality End of Hostilities Peace Treaty End of Military Government Final Status
(戰鬥停止日-投降儀式) 和平條約締結日 軍事(政府)佔領結束日 最終的地位
Ryukyus琉球 June 23, 1945 April 28, 1952 May 15, 1972 overseas territory
of Japan
Taiwan臺灣 Oct. 25, 1945 April 28, 1952 -------- ? -------- --- ? ---
The United States military forces liberated Taiwan and the Ryukyu islands, and the SFPT designates the United States of America as the principal occupying power. At the same time, Article 4(b) of the treaty gives the United States Military Government (USMG) jurisdiction over Taiwan, the Ryukyus, and certain other areas.
美國以強大的軍事力量解放了日夲臺灣和琉球群島、並在舊金山和平條約被授權為 ”主要佔領權國” ,同時、在舊金山和平條約的第4條(b)明確的授權美國軍政府對臺灣與琉球群島及其他一些區域有管轄權。
After April 1952, the Ryukyu Island group was elevated to the status of UN Trusteeship, with the United States as the sole administering authority. However, our analysis remains the same. Later, as of May 15, 1972, the Ryukyus were returned to Japan.
It must again be stressed that in the practice of the United States, the end of military government is formally announced by the US Commander in Chief. This was exactly what we saw in the situation of the Spanish American War cessions. In regard to the Ryukyus, President Richard Nixon made the formal announcement, and the termination date was announced to be May 15, 1972.
我們必需強調美國在實務上的處理模式,那就是軍事政府管轄階段的結束皆需由 ”統帥”來正式宣佈,這也正是我們所看到的美西戰爭後的土地割讓的處理模式,琉球正是由尼克森總統正式宣佈 “美國軍事政府” 的管轄在1972年5月15日結束。
By way of comparison, no announcement of the end of USMG jurisdiction over Taiwan has ever been made by the US Commander in Chief, from Harry Truman up to the present.
以琉球的例子來比較臺灣,從1952年的杜魯門總統到2014年當今的美國總統歐巴馬皆從未宣佈 “美國軍事政府” 對臺灣的管轄權已結束。
This leads us to the conclusion that Taiwan is currently somewhere between Points B and C in our ABCD Analysis Chart. Having not yet reached a final political status, its condition can best be described as “undetermined” or “unsettled.” Consequently, Taiwan is not regarded as an independent entity in the international community. Indeed this is exactly the type of oratory which the U.S. Executive Branch officials have been proffering for decades. In other words, Taiwan is a term of geography, but this geographic area does not belong to any particular country.
由上列的分析,依據我們的ABCD分析表,可引導出目前的 “臺灣地位” 應介於B時點 與 C時點中間的某種狀態,可知 “臺灣地位” 亦尚未到達D時點 “最終的地位”;這種狀態可以描述為 “尚未決定” 的狀況或 “尚未處理(解決)” 的情況。在國際社會中,臺灣不(不)被當成獨立的實體,事實上、這也是幾十年來美國行政部門官員們不斷的宣稱或表明臺灣目前就是處於這種狀態。換言之,目前的臺灣只是地理名詞,臺灣這個地區並不(不)屬於任何特定的國家。
Additionally, as we point out above, there are only two possible types of an “End Result” after a period of military occupation. The fact that the U.S. Executive Branch continually says that Taiwan’s legal status is “undetermined” or “unsettled” is, in itself, strong proof that Taiwan is actually still under military occupation in the present era.
另外,就如我們之前指出的、在軍事佔領期終止後,將只有兩個可能的最終結果;事實上美國行政部門一再表明臺灣的法律地位是“尚未決定” 的狀況或 “尚未處理(解決)” 的情況,這已充分的證明了臺灣的法律地位、在目前仍然是在美國的軍事佔領下。
When did this all begin? Since late Oct. 1945, the Republic of China (ROC) has been exercising jurisdiction over Taiwan, but not sovereignty. This is Point A in our ABCD Analysis. As of early December 1949, the Republic of China has moved its central government to occupied Taiwan, outside of China’s national territory. Thus the ROC has become a government in exile even before the peace treaty came into effect, which is at Point B.
這些情況是什麼時候開始的呢? 在1945年10月底 (前)中華民國是雖已經有在臺灣行使行政(民事)管理權;但這並非是指它擁有臺灣的(領土)主權。在1949年12月初中華民國被迫離開中國逃亡至非屬其國內、在美國佔領保護下的臺灣;從那之後中華民國已淪為流亡政府;甚至於可以說在1952年4月舊金山和平條約生效的B 時點之前已經成為流亡政權。
However, we must not forget that the ROC (formerly led by Chiang Kai-shek) is not the legal occupier, it is only serving as a proxy force for the legal occupier. The SFPT clearly stipulates that the United States Military Government (USMG) has jurisdiction over Taiwan, which means that Taiwan is occupied territory of the United States.
不管如何,我們不要忘記 (前)中華民國(原蔣介石所領導)並非合法的臺灣佔領者、它只過是在那個時期、是具有美國這個合法的臺灣佔領者的代理人身份而已。舊金山和平條約SFPT已清楚明白的授與美國對臺灣的管轄權,這也已經充分表示出臺灣是美國的佔領地。
原文作者:何瑞元 Richard W. Hartzell 漢譯:張 晴輝 Tom Chang 06-30-2014