.1949 中華人民共和國致電聯合國 : 中華民國已流亡離開中國【管轄】的領土

1949年中華人民共和國政府發電給聯合國 【國民黨反動政府(中華民國流亡政府)】已流亡離開中國管轄的領土

1949年中華人民共和國政府 外交部長周恩來(當時的外交部長)發電給聯合國,世界各國宣告 : 

電報出文處 : 


時間 : 1949 年 11 月 20 日 內容 : 中國共產黨政府於 11 月 18 日給聯合國祕書長的官方通信正文 

摘要 :" 中華人民共和國中央人民政府 " 已經在 10 月 1 日正式成立,是唯一合法代表中華人民共和國全體人民的政府。


這個所謂 " 聯合國的中國國民政府代表團 " 毫無資格代表中國人民。 本人 ( 即當時的中國外交部長周恩來 ) 僅代表中華人民共和國中央人民政府正式要求聯合國組織依據聯合國憲章的原則與精神立即除去 " 中國國民政府代表團 "在聯合國的一切權利

501.BB/11-2049: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to
the Secretary of State
NEW YORK, November 20, 1949-3:21 p. In.
[Received 5:40 p. in.]
28 Secretary-General of the United Nations.
29 Signed at San Francisco, June 26, 1945; 59 Stat. (pt. 2) 1031.195
United States Department of State / Foreign relations of the United States, 1949. The Far East: China
Policy of the United States with respect to the question of recognition,   pp. 1-260  PDF (89.2 MB)

Page 195
RECOGNITION QUESTION 501.BB/11-2049: Telegram The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State NEW YORK, November 20, 1949-3:21 p. In. [Received 5:40 p. in.] DelGA 233. Following is copy of official text of communication re- ceived by SYG28 from Communist government in China: "Peking's 291/290 18/11 1535. "Mr. Trygve Lie, Secretary-General of the United Nations Orga- nization, Lake Success, New York. "The Central Peoples Government of the Peoples Republic of China was formally formed on October 1st. On the day of its formation, Chairman Mao Tze-tung of the Central Peoples Government solemnly proclaimed to the world: 'The Central Peoples Government of the Peoples Republic of China is the sole legal government representing all the people of the Peoples Republic of China. The Central Peoples Government of the Peoples Republic of China has now fundamentally liberated the territory and people of all China and also woll the enthusiastic support of the people throughout the country, while the Kuomintang reactionary government is now in exile and dispersed aI-nd its remnant forces will soon be eliminated.' This reactionary government has lost all de jure and de facto grounds for representing the Chinese people. "The so-called, 'Delegation of the Chinese National Government' participating in the United Nations Organization and attending the present session of the United Nations General Assembly in the name of the Chinese people has therefore become the tool of a handful of exiled elements, and is absolutely unqualified to represent the Chinese people. "On behalf of the Central Peoples Government of the Peoples Republic of China, I formally demand that the United Nations Organization immediately deprive the 'Delegation of the Chinese National Government' in accordance with the principles and spirit of the United Nations Charter,29 of all rights to further represent the Chinese people in the United Nations, so as to conform to the wishes of the Chinese people. "Chou En-lai, Foreign Minister of the Central Peoples Government of the Peoples Republic of China." AUSTIN 28 Secretary-General of the United Nations. 29 Signed at San Francisco, June 26, 1945; 59 Stat. (pt. 2) 1031. 195

臺澎住民及其後代The Inhabitants of Taiwan and Penghu 】–不得使用「中華民國國民身份」決定臺灣主權 (前途)


中國在臺住民】亦不得使用「中華民國國民身份」決定臺灣主權 (前途)




拆除流亡中華民國綁架台灣人民的政治煉獄體制 - 是本土台灣人莊嚴的歷史使命。  
台灣關係法TRA第十五條: 2. 臺灣 」一詞將視情況需要,包括臺灣及澎湖列島,這些島上的人民、公司及根據適用於這些島嶼的法律而設立或組成的其他團體及機構, 197911日以前美國承認為中華民國的臺灣治理當局  以及任何接替的島上治理當局(包括政治分支機構、機構等)