歡迎我的老朋友麥艾文(Evan Medeiros)到台灣來,接受馬總統頒授特種大綬景星勳章,表揚他為美台關係所付出的貢獻。我擔任國務院副助理國務卿時,Evan是國安會亞洲事務主任,後來他又擔任歐巴馬總統特別助理和國安會亞洲事務資深主任,所以我們倆合作密切。他是協助美國在此關鍵時刻制定有效亞洲政策的穩健推手。恭喜你啊,Evan!-梅健華#FromAITDirector
A warm welcome to my old pal Evan Medeiros, who is in Taiwan to receive the Order of Brilliant Star from President Ma for his contributions to U.S.-Taiwan relations. Evan and I worked together closely when he was Director for Asia in the National Security Council and then Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Asia in the NSC, and I was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State. We owe him a lot for his steady hand in helping the United States navigate through an important time in our Asia policy. Congratulations, Evan! ...km