臺灣自治政府提醒 美國務次卿謝爾曼勿忘【臺灣關係法】


就以下意外,臺灣自治政府已致信 美國務次卿謝爾曼要求補正、勿忘【1979臺灣關係法】



227日,負責政治事務的美國國務次卿謝爾曼,在華府智庫卡內基和平基金會,一場紀念第二次世界大戰結束70週年會議上, 就美國在戰後對亞洲再平衡,東北亞地區政策提出說明。




當謝爾曼被問到「美台關係」,她卻引申到一個中國、三個聯合公報,而且漏掉【台灣關係法】,這確實是代誌大條、一個大問題。台灣應該低頭自棄、去享受淪為中國經濟網絡的一部分嗎?當然不是,台灣是受到【臺灣關係法】保障,它是經由美國國會立法通過的美國國內法。   Quote from Mr. 謝鎮寬 






美次卿薛曼 ︰台灣少被談論是好事

Wendy R. Sherman
Under Secretary for Political Affairs 
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Washington, DC
February 27, 2015
  • 美國國務院主管政治事務的次卿薛曼。(中央社)  
MODERATOR: See in the back over – got a question on Taiwan from John Zang.
QUESTION: Thank you, Madam Secretary. John Zang with CTI TV of Taiwan. I have two questions for you. Number one, Taiwan is not talked a lot about – Taiwan is not talked about a lot these days in this town. I would like to ask you to give an assessment of the current status of U.S.-Taiwan relations. Taiwan also wants to join the TPP. What is the prospect from the U.S. perspective? And Taiwan’s opposition leader, DPP chair Tsai Ing-wen, is planning on a visit to the U.S. before the next general elections. What is it that the U.S. wants to hear from her, and what is it that the U.S. wants her to hear from the U.S. side? Thank you very much.
UNDER SECRETARY SHERMAN: Simple questions. (Laughter.)
MODERATOR: Yeah, John.
UNDER SECRETARY SHERMAN: So that’s what I’ll say – I will say part of the reason that Taiwan is probably not talked about as much as it once was is a good sign. It means that Taiwan is stable, is prosperous, has a strong relationship with mainland China, that the concept of one China and the Three Communiques has become a standard, that the economic integration between Taiwan and mainland China is quite so – it is the status quo, that the political issues are worked out over time. In any given moment there are ups and downs between Taiwan and mainland China and Taiwan and the rest of the world, but the fact that it isn’t an everyday point of anxiety and concern about what’s happening cross-straits is a good thing. It means that there is more peace, there is more prosperity, and there is more just life as we know it.
In terms of Taiwan politics, I’m going to leave that to the people of Taiwan.

Remarks on Northeast Asia

Wendy R. Sherman
Under Secretary for Political Affairs 
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Washington, DC
February 27, 2015