在人類的歷史上、國與國之間因担心自己實力不足被侵犯而相互結盟。因此,日美有安保條約、美韓有戰時作戰指揮權協議,而 臺美之間則有屬於美國國內法的 “臺灣關係法”。
臺灣人應知臺灣事 (中英文版)
1) 臺灣人毋是中國人嘛毋是中華民國國民, 為啥密臺灣人參加奧林匹克運動會或者是其它國際性 e 比賽, 攏是用 "Chinese Taipei " ? 為啥密不是 Taiwan Taipei、 Taiwan ?
People of Taiwan are not Chinese. They are not nationalists of the Republic of China. Why people of Taiwan represent "Chinese Taipei" in Olympic games or any other international contests? Why not "Taiwan Taipei", "Taiwan" ?
2) 為啥密臺灣人出國提 e 護照是 Republic of China Passport ? 為啥密毋是 Taiwan Passport ?
Why people of Taiwan have to bear passport of "the Republic of China" –in exile regime rather than that of "Taiwan" during their travelling internationally?
3) "臺灣關係法" 為啥密是美國 e 國內法 ? 為啥密無其它國家訂對臺灣關係法 ? 日本、法國、德國、蘇聯 咁袂凍訂對臺灣 e 關係法 ?
Why TRA (Taiwan Relations Act) was initiated and enacted in the United States internally? Why we didn't see any other Relations Act with Taiwan enacted by Japan, France, German, or Russian?
4) 2004年 國務卿包威爾地北京公開講; 中華民國毋是國家, 無主權, 臺灣嘛毋是. 為啥密伊會凍按呢講 ? 2009 年國務院韋德寧講臺灣無享受著國家 e 權利, 憑啥密會凍按呢講 ?
Secretary Colin Powell of the State Department stated publicly in Peking Oct. 25, 2004 that "Taiwan is not independent. It does not enjoy sovereignty as a nation." Additionally, Director Dennis Wilder stated Aug. 30, 2007 that "Taiwan, or the Republic of China, is not a state in the international community." What is the base for them to talk in such a way?
5) 2006 - 2009 臺灣人對美國 e 告訟, 美國法官statement 講; 臺灣人無國藉、臺灣人無被國際承認 e 政府、臺灣人被關地政治煉獄內面. 為啥密 ?
(March 18, 2008 District court decision) Plaintiffs (The Native Taiwanese) have been persons without a state for almost 60 years
6) 2011年美國衛生部長Kathleen Sebelius 地聯合國開記者會公開講; 聯合國任何機構或者單位, 攏袂凍決定臺灣 e 未來甲前途. 為啥密 ?
Secretary Kathleen Sebelius of Health and Human Services made it clear of the US position to WHO in 2011 that "no organization in UN has a right to allow them to determine the position of Taiwan". Why?
7) 311日本發生海嘯核災, 美方人員家屬撤退來臺灣, 海關為啥密是美國 e AIT 地作業 ? 為啥密是撤退來臺灣 ? 難道講美國對臺灣這片土地有主權 ?
When tsunami 311 happened to Japan, why families of American retreated to Taiwan? Why AIT employees in replacement of officers of ROC at the CKS airport for customs investigation? Is it implied that the United State practice sovereignty right over Taiwan?
8) 臺灣北部內湖, 美國地起 2萬坪 e 基地,期限是 99年 + 99年 + Option 為啥密美國會凍惦臺灣做按呢 e 工程 ? 蘇聯、中國、法國、日本咁會凍做仝款 e 工程 ?
The United States is building a new compound at Neihu, Taipei by renting a site of 6.5-hectare for 99 years plus 99 years plus option in 2004. Why can the US do so on Taiwan? Why not Russian, China, France, or Japan?
9) 2014年 3月份太陽花學運發生時, 美國國會議員, 公開強烈支持臺灣建國, 4月3日美國國務院副國務卿 Daniel Russel 講, 支持臺灣自治. 為啥密是自治不是獨立 ?
After Sun flower movement March 2014 in Taiwan, The US parliament openly supported an independent Taiwan. Daniel Russel said "strong United States support for Taiwan autonomy" at his testimony before the Senators on April 3, 2014. Why he said autonomy instead of independent?