全篇 (流亡)中華民國ROC不見踪影,顯然(流亡)中華民國是非法武裝霸佔臺灣;
全篇只見到 臺灣人的臺灣Taiwan 和 美國支持臺灣自治(Autonomy)
拆除流亡中華民國綁架台灣人民的政治煉獄體制 – 經由自治再建國 是本土台灣人莊嚴的歷史使命。
因此,2015年臺灣自治政府 將依1979臺灣關係法Taiwan Relations Act 行事,
歡迎加入 臺灣組 e mail: taiwangovernmentusa@gmail.com
U.S. Policy Priorities for the East Asian and Pacific Region in 2015
Daniel R. Russel
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Washington, DC
February 4, 2015
美國國務院東亞助卿:2015 台灣重要政治年
http://fpc.state.gov/237218.htm (原文)
MODERATOR: We can go to the right corner (inaudible).
QUESTION: Thank you, Mr. Secretary. John Zang with CTI-TV of Taiwan. First off, Mr. Secretary, as you probably know, Taiwan has just had a tragic plane crash accident. Is the United States offering any assistance in terms of rescue, in terms of accident – the investigation, and in terms of the promotion of air flight safety? That’s my first question.
Secondly, looking into 2015, what is your take of the current status of U.S.-Taiwan relations? What are your best hopes for the year in terms of promoting U.S.-Taiwan relations? Thank you very much.
ASSISTANT SECRETARY RUSSEL羅素: Thanks. Well, first of all, I offer my condolences to the families who lost loved ones aboard the TransAsia flight. As someone who takes a lot of flights within the Asia Pacific region, I’m monitoring that situation pretty closely. It’s of concern. I don't know the answer to the question, “Has the United States been asked to provide assistance to the Taiwan authorities島上治理當局?” We, of course, stand ready to help in any way, as we have in the past. Moreover, the U.S. and Taiwandiscuss issues relating to air safety on an ongoing basis, and this is an issue of common concern for both of us. Issues pertaining to the health, safety, the welfare, the dignity of the people of Taiwan are important to us and are fully consistent with our robust unofficial relations, which of course are, as always, governed by our “one-China” policy by the three communiques, et cetera.
2015 is an important political year, of course, in Taiwan. The relationship that has been developed, certainly since I have been back in Washington – so over the last six years, which corresponds to the presidency of Barack Obama – has been very productive. One of the things that has made that relationship productive has been the progress in cross-straits relations – something that we support, something that we have welcomed, and where possible something that we have facilitated.
That said, just as there is bipartisan support in the United States for our China – “one-China” policy and for our very strong unofficial relations 非官方關係with Taiwan – important people-to-people connections, economic and trade, commercial connections, important cultural connections – just as there is very strong support in the United States on both sides of the aisle, so to speak, in Congress for our continued efforts to help ensure that Taiwan can preserve its autonomy(自治) and manage its defense, Taiwan can find appropriate international space in which to make regional and global contributions.
It is certainly my experience that there is bipartisan support in Taiwan as well for a continuation of this good cooperative relationship. We don’t take a position on electoral issues outside of our own borders, and we maintain lines of communication both to ruling parties and to opposition parties. So we will stay in touch, we will maintain our strong unofficial ties, and we will wait for the people of Taiwan to make a decision about their own leaders (複數).
美東亞助卿:2015 台灣重要政治年 (編者注:請参考英文原文較詳細)
2015-02-06 自由時報