中華民國(流亡政權) 讓你成為沒有國籍的人;
你真的不在乎? 為什麼?
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04-03-2014美國國務院助理國務卿羅素(Daniel Russel)東亞暨亞太事務助卿羅素 在參議院外交委員會作證時,提到Strong United States support for Taiwan autonomy (美國對台灣自治自主(autonomy)的強烈支持) 美國國務院官網原文:http://www.state.gov/p/eap/rls/rm/2014/04/224350.htm可以證明被佔領地的台灣人民確有【自治權】無誤
02-04-2015美國國務院助理國務卿羅素再次說,華府和國會兩黨也都強力支持美國協助台灣,以確保其自治(autonomy)和防衛。our continued efforts to help ensure that Taiwan can preserve its autonomy(自治) - http://fpc.state.gov/237218.htm (原文)
12-11-2014【美國國會- 2014年 美臺關係政策報告書】
當1895年大清帝國依馬關(下關)條約永久割讓台灣給大日本帝國時,《中華民國》尚未誕生(何來台灣被中華民國光復之說?);更且、生活在台灣島上的殖民地居民,長期以來不了解 「住民自決」 的概念,他們亦無自我身份認同的觀念。
第8 (4) 頁:「國會兩政黨的"一中"政策」 是【美國只承認一個中國(一中政策)、亦即是"中華人民共和國是唯一代表中國之政府";美國不承認中華人民共和國對臺灣擁有主權、亦不承認臺灣是一個獨立主權國家,美國的政策認為:臺灣 【地位未定 尚待解決】。
04-03-2014 Department of State /Assistant Secretary Hon. Daniel R ussel “Strong United States support for Taiwan autonomy also helps give our friends in Taiwan the confidence to strengthen their cross-Strait relations, as we have seen in recent years.
12-11-2014【US Congress】 〈https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R41952.pdf〉 『Previously called Formosa, Taiwan never has been ruled by the CPC or as a part of the PRC, and until 1945, had never been ruled by the ROC. In Taiwan after World War II, October 25, 1945, or “Retrocession Day,” marked the ROC’s claim of “recovering” Formosa from Japan. However, upon Japan’s surrender, that was the first time that the ROC’s military forces had occupied the island of Formosa. When the Qing Empire ceded in perpetuity Formosa to Japan under the Treaty of Shimonoseki of 1895, the ROC was not yet in existence. Moreover, the colony’s people did not have a say in self-determination of their status or identity. The Kuomintang (KMT), or Nationalist Party of China, has contended that the ROC claimed Formosa at Japan’s surrender in August 1945, with no country challenging the island’s status. The ROC under KMT forces led by Chiang Kai-shek retreated to Taiwan in 1949, when the Communist forces led by Mao Zedong took over mainland China. Taiwan’s people have faced social, ethnic, linguistic, and political issues of whether to identify with Taiwan or China, with two major groups of local “Taiwanese” and “Mainlanders” (people who retreated to Taiwan with the KMT forces and their descendants). The KMT’s imposed authoritarian rule and martial law (1949-1987) on Taiwan, including a massacre called the “228 Incident” of February 28, 1947, exacerbated difficulties between the groups. In December 2014, Taiwan’s Ministry of Culture announced that it would make public some of the 10,067 cases of political prisoners from the “White Terror” period.』。 The United States has its own “one China” policy (vs. the PRC’s “one China” principle) and position on Taiwan’s status. Not recognizing the PRC’s claim over Taiwan nor Taiwan as a sovereign state, U.S. policy has considered Taiwan’s status as unsettled....。