1895年4月17日大清皇帝,把台灣和澎湖主權,依據馬關條約第二和第三條,永久割讓給日本。該條約是由約翰·福斯特起草,他曾任美國駐西班牙大使及美國國務卿 。
曼尼爾·奎松,菲律賓參議院議長率領“菲律賓獨立團”到華府,成功地遊說了美國國會,並讓泰丁馬達費法案,順利於1934年3月24日通過生效 。這是美國聯邦給菲律賓自治政府承諾,立法為期十年後讓菲律賓獨立,它也同時嚴格限制菲律賓移民。這看起來,除了十年期的承諾外,不就像台灣關係法嗎?
Why did US reject ROC flag raised in DC?
A diplomat should clearly understand the jobassignment and to whom he or she represents. Unfortunately, the representative ofTaipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) to the UnitedStates, Shen Lyu-shun did not even know who he represents. He should be therepresentative of Taiwan but he thought he represents the whole China under theRepublic of China.
January 1, 2015 he held a flag-raising ceremony ofROC national flag at the Twin Oaks Estate in Washington DC. He said his officehad notified American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) beforehand about the event andreceived approval from US President Obama’s administration. Shen emphasized tothe medias on behalf of ROC “we not only returned, but we did it with dignity,respect and honor.”
The ROC national flag is a verycontroversial symbol it officially represents the nation of Republic of China. The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) government uses it to empower himself as the legalgovernment of the whole China but to PRC it only represents an exiledgovernment of China must be destroyed. That’s why KMT dares not display it infront of any Chinese envoy not matter high or low ranking level official evenpanda visiting in Taiwan. Now, Representative Shen unauthorized raising it inWashington DC and proudly said he returned with honor and dignity. What kind ofprotocol is this, hide it before panda but shine it to USA? And his boss,President Ma Ying-jeou appraised and endorsed it. Shen and Ma went too far thistime.
Some public opinions in Taiwan are “Taiwanowns the property of Twin Oaks Estate, how come we can’t raise our own flag athome?” “How come the US has no objection to the Palestinian fly their flag intheir representative DC office and opposes TECRO to fly the ROC national flag. Thewhole issue is a matter of sovereignty. Is the Twin Oaks Estate a privateproperty? Does ROC own Taiwan sovereignty? Are Taiwan and ROC the same legalentity?
KMT/ROC has played exactly the sameambiguous trick in Taiwan since they were kicked out of China by CCP/PRC in1949. KMT do know they are the exiled government of China so they always wear atwo sides jacket of Taiwan and ROC, using Taiwan to promote ROC. KMT and Ma’s government have always takenadvantage and abused Taiwan’s credit to extend the illusion of the ROC to theoverseas Chinese community, misleading Taiwanese to believe that Taiwan is partof the ROC and that the ROC is China. But, in today’s real world, the onlyChina recognized by the international community is the People’s Republic ofChina (PRC), not the ROC.
The US State Department spokespersonJan Psaki condemned the flag-raising three days Jan. 5 – 7 in a role within aweek accusing it is inconsistent with the spirit of US policy on Taiwan under theThree Joint Communique and the Taiwan Relation Act. The three communiqué havewell defined one China policy ROC should follow. And the TRA has clearlyseparated Taiwan and ROC, US derecognized it after 1978. As a diplomat, Shenshould well study the three communiqué and TRA. Taiwan is not ROC and ROC isnot Taiwan.
So, What is the Taiwanstatus today? Is Taiwan an independent country with sovereignty? What issovereignty? Sovereignty is transferrable only from government to government.The last official record of Taiwan sovereign was Japan. The issue is when didJapan transfer Taiwan sovereignty to ROC?
Taiwanese have been welleducated of the ancient Chinese history and geography but not aware of themodern Taiwan history especially the chapter of USA-Taiwan history. Now, let’s take this opportunity to examine how Taiwan relateslegally to US today.
Commodore Matthew Perry onhis second trip to Japan landed on Formosa in 1854. His report of occupyingFormosa could help the US to counter European monopolization of the major traderoutes was declined by then-President Franklin Pierce remarking such a remotepossession would be an unnecessary drain of resources and that he would beunlikely to receive the consent of Congress.
April 17, 1895 the QingEmpire ceded to Japan in perpetuity and full sovereignty to the Pescadoresgroup and Formosa under the Article 2 & 3 of the Shimonoseki Treaty. It was drafted with John Foster, formerUS Ambassador to Spain and former American Secretary of State.
After the Spanish-Americanwar, Spain relinquished all claim of sovereignty over and title to Cuba, cededPuerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines to the United States under the Treaty ofParis signed by Spain and the US on December 10, 1898. Spanish from all theseabandoned territories raised lawsuits in the US Supreme Court still deeplyaffected Taiwan even today.