You will be  a part of TAG movie from now ......
Our Story start from Mr.Charlie Wang 
Charlie Wang = Nakayama Yonro ( Taiwan Autonomy Government -TAG's  DC Representative 
1) 89 years old. (Retired on 86 from Federal Government ) 
2) Charlie used to work for Condoleezza Condi Rice (nick name: Black Beauty) and Susan Rice etc. 
( President Bush & Charlie Wang ) 

3) 07-07-2014 The Outcry Of The Senior Sunflowers 1 ( A must see video ) 

Taiwan Autonomy   YouTube share with you 
The Outcry Of The Senior Sunflowers 1
上傳者: Taiwan Government

*Charlie(87)  leads the activity - sit in front of the big desk when he was 87 years old

*The girl said sadly with tears "Our Flags" are in the garbage truck.




* Declaration of Taiwan Autonomous Government

4) 01-27-2016 Charlie(89)  attended  UN Holocaust Ceremony) 

5) 01-28-2016 Charlie (89) leads petition  to DOS 

6) General Charie Wang at Arlington National Ceremony 01-30-2016

General Secretary 
Taiwan Autonomous Government 
Tom Chang 