Dear Obama President:
The World saw Chinese Chairman Xi Chin-pin 習近平repeated the old story of
the South China sea is the inherent part of China. While SFPT 1952
stated Art.2(f) Spratly Islands and (b) Taiwan are what Japan renounced.
The media and the Internet disseminated recently again about the people of Taiwan that carrying the passport of ROC in exile was denied to the UN visit.  It is the reality of the world but it is the hidden news to the people of Taiwan fooled by Chinese of ROC in exile.    
The Republic of China in exile on Taiwan that has been exercising the Terrorism Colonial Rules over Formosan has no power to protect the people of Taiwan, as shown on the 70 year slavish history.  ROC in exile and PRC are all of a gang.   On July 1st this year, PRC issued the card of MTPs operational for the people on Taiwan. This is Chinese version of the Russian invaded the Crimea.   Taiwan should not become a second Crimea.        
Taiwan is constituted by 85% of Formosan, but , under Terrorist Colonial Rule for 70 year, Formosan can do nothing except bearing the ill will deep inside their hearts.  
Taiwanese (aka Formosan) has no powers to block the slaver, ROC in exile.  The power that USA believes, Chiang Kai-shek troops were the anti-communist has became not only the flatter but the surrender to the Communist China (PRC) already.
What the Chinese Ma Ying-jeau has done in his power of nearly 8 years proves it is a planned annexation policy very clearly, and Taiwan is moving gradually into the jaws of death, and whole American structure of the peace and order will corrupt not only in Asia but the world too.
The reedy is simple and only one, to see how USA and the world will insist the international law to fight back to the Law Fare of PRC.  The USMG return to Formosa according to the laws i.e. SFPT 1952, the Law of War, the Common sense of ROC is [in exile], ROC in exile has been illegally enforced the Terrorist Colonial Rule to operate the Modern Slavery for 70 years in name of ROC with its Stale Constitution, that is the war crime with no statute of limitations. To terminate the war crime criminals is the obligation of USA and it means USA is bringing Formosan the belated Spring of Taiwan, the Emancipation Proclamation, completely different category of the other Spring of Arabs.   Your action is required urgently before it becomes too late! 
Order US marines move into Formosa, Now! 
It is the right and the obligation of USA
This request will be sent to the global wide to secure more supports to Formosan that is the insulted and the injured, and it meets the consensus of UN 2015, UN will leave no body behind to be forgotten!   
In the meantime, if USA accepts the Travel Document (Taiwan Passport) is also effective to USA, it will be the additional power for us to justify the status of Taiwan.
Yours Respectfully,
Chairman - Nieco M.H. Tsai
敬致 美國總統 歐巴馬先生台照:
近日在媒體及網路廣傳一些有關臺灣人持《中華民國流亡政權》的《護照》被拒絕進入聯合國參觀的新聞。  其實、到今天世界各地仍有很多相同的案例,臺灣人被當成《中華民國人》而在國際上被剝奪人權。  《中華民國流亡政權》根本沒有保護臺灣人民的能力,它70年來施行恐怖主義殖民統治, 歷史證明它是吃定台灣人,無庸置疑。  
中華民國流亡政權的同丘之貉中國(PRC). 今年 7月1日所發行的《卡式臺胞證》已開始運作;這是克里米亞的翻版;臺灣不能成為第二個克里米亞,佔人口85%的臺灣人只能憤怒吶喊,沒有更好的方法阻止[台灣從 被中華民國流亡政權佔領轉變為被中國侵吞] 。 
臺灣人手上沒有更有力的力量來阻擋;蔣介石餘孽早已將《中華民國》的說詞由反共變成媚共與降共,因此他們(ROC in exile)默許這些有計劃性的併吞策略、此已很明顯使臺灣漸漸步入虎口,同時也危害到亞洲的安定。
要解決臺灣的危機, 確保亞洲的安定和平,只有美國能按照國際法,佔領法,安排美軍重回臺灣才能維護整個亞洲的穩定秩序。美國是臺灣的【主要佔領權國】,舊金山和平條約第23條明明白白的寫在裡面,所以美軍重回臺灣是名正言順的安排,也是避免臺灣成為第二個克里米亞的上上策, 國際上沒有人能反對, 佔台灣人口85%的臺灣人也會歡欣鼓舞的歡迎,在臺灣的軍事基地也都熱烈歡迎美軍回臺。 美國不應該再靜默不動;等到他日火燒眉頭就來不及了
2014年助理國務卿 Hon. Daniel Russel 清楚地提到美國支持【臺灣自治】。 臺灣人民歡迎美國按照國際法,佔領法的規則來解開臺灣的地位問題。70年了,這一天應該要來了。 臺灣人民更呼籲美國要拿出具體的行動讓臺灣人民感受到【實際自治】的運作, 所以我們也要請美國幫助【臺灣自治政府】發行的護照能儘快的被採納與通行。 這不但保障了臺灣的人權、同時也能安定亞洲的秩序,更重要的是確保美國在亞洲的利益及地位不受損害。
盼望  鈞座,  能率先幫助台灣人、賜我們一臂之力,早日進駐台灣履行美國應盡義務, 將遭被劊子手集團竊占的台灣江山及大政, 逐步歸還我們台灣人,是幸!
主席 蔡明法謹上