PR Newswire to the DC circuit
.臺灣自治政府 向華盛頓DC通訊社發出邀請出席國家記者俱樂部發表會03-03-2016
From: Taiwan Autonomy Foundation 02-29-2016
To Whom it may concern
You are cordially invited to the announcement of The Provisional President and Vice President of Taiwan Autonomous Government
When: March 3, 2016 2:00-4:00 pm
Where: National Press Club (202 ) 662-7597 (The Zenger Room)
13F, 529 , 14th St NW, Washington DC 20045
Contact: TAG Tom Chang 1-949-351-8873 / E Mail: tchang5396@aol.com
On April 3, 2014, Mr. Daniel R. Russel, the Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, of the Dept. of State, gave testimony before the Senate. He stated that the United States government gives strong support for Taiwan autonomy. We applaud Assistant Secretary Russel’s remarks.
We know that Dept. of State officials support the “One China Policy” and the Taiwan Relations Act as cornerstones of the USA – Taiwan relationship. Unfortunately, however, we continually see that Customs and Border Protection, under the Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS), accepts “Republic of China (ROC)” passports as valid travel documents for Taiwanese people applying for US visas, or completing customs procedures when entering and leaving the United States. Such actions of DHS clearly promote a “Two Chinas” orientation, and severely restrict the efforts of other parties to promote Taiwan autonomy.
Hence, from the the viewpoint of passport matters, the Taiwan Autonomy Foundation must issue the charge that the “One China Policy” is being completely ignored by US government officials.
On August 30, 2007, Mr. Dennis Wilder, Senior Director for Asian Affairs of the National Security Council (NSC) stated: "Taiwan, or the Republic of China, is not at this point a state in the international community. The position of the United States government is that the ROC -- Republic of China -- is an issue undecided, and it has been left undecided, as you know, for many, many years."
If the the Republic of China is an issue undecided, then it certainly does not exercise sovereignty over Taiwan. If the ROC does not exercise sovereignty over Taiwan, then the issuance of ROC passports to Taiwanese people is fundamentally wrong.
At the same time, we know that there is no legal basis for the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to issue passports to Taiwanese people. The USA does not recognize PRC sovereignty over Taiwan, as explained in the Congressional Research Service’s reports China/Taiwan: Evolution of the "One China" Policy.
In light of these facts, an acceptable alternative would be for the United States to issue passports to Taiwanese people directly, under the authority of the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act and the 1952 San Francisco Peace Treaty.
The Taiwan Autonomy Foundation has also designed numerous “Taiwan Passport Cover” samples, which could be used for reference. Please see the following webpage
-- http://www.taiwandocuments.net/twtravel-ry.htm
For further information, kindly reach Tom Chang 1-949-351-8873 / tchang5396@aol.com