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臺美人 相思臺 敬具
July 29 , 2016
Honorable Senator John McCain
218 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Washington, DC 20510
RE: Chinese Missile Threat to West Coast
Dear Honorable Senator John McCain:
The Chinese launched a space rocket this week, but the Chinese apparently targeted the southwest for payload reentry last night. News reports are stating there was a meteor flash across the night sky from California, Nevada, and Utah. Local news is also reporting it was a Chinese rocket. Apparently, the American media do not consider this a Chinese nuclear threat to the American homeland.
A Chinese rocket body streaking across the night sky over the Western United States lit up social media as people shared photos and video of the bright object. The Chinese CZ-7 re-entered the atmosphere 7/27 Wednesday night, U.S. Strategic Command spokeswoman Julie Ziegenhorn confirmed. That's...
The average American seems to have welcomed the Chinese satellite reentry over California. It is, however, evidence of the veiled nuclear missile threat by China towards the very docile, voting population during the American presidential election cycle. China also attempted this kind of missile threat over Taipei in 1996. The American people have been given an overt display of the Chinese missile capabilities, and the implied political message is the American voters should kowtow to China. For China, the east is red, and the California coast is vulnerable to political extortion by China.
The Congress needs to immediately increase the defense budget for the Missile Defense Agency in Huntsville, Alabama. In addition, the Taiwanese=Americans small businesses based in California need to participate in these national efforts for increasing US-Taiwan missile defense cooperation, too. The South Koreans have recently fielded the THAAD anti-missile system because of North Korea. American government leaders must now respond to the Chinese missile threats against Los Angeles, because this is an overt threat to the national security of America. The Congress cannot ignore the Chinese now.
Please increase the defense budget for the Missile Defense Agency by appropriating funds for Taiwan-American small businesses to participate in the future SBA 8(a) business development programs for anti-missile defense contracts. The anti-missile defense system is the most effective countermeasure to Chinese strategy.
Thank you for your interest in the final negotiations for the FY17 defense budget.
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