天皇陛下 82歳の誕生日 12-23-2015
敬祝 日夲天皇 健康
日夲國 繁榮盛 日夲國民 一丸健鬥
    臺灣自治政府 敬賀

The Emperor of Japan's Birthday

Press Statement

John Kerry (美國 國務卿 代表歐巴馬總統 及 美國人民 祝賀 日夲天皇生日)

Secretary of State
Washington, DC
December 22, 2015

On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I would like to take the opportunity to send my warmest wishes to the Emperor of Japan on the occasion of his birthday, and to congratulate the people of Japan on this national day of celebration.
For over a half-century, the United States and Japan have enjoyed a strong, vibrant relationship. This past year saw our Alliance, as well as economic and people-to-people relations, grow stronger than ever.
Prime Minister Abe’s historic visit to Washington, the release of the new Defense Guidelines, and our work together to conclude the Trans-Pacific Partnership have all served to showcase our mutual commitment to peace, stability, and prosperity for the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.
We also worked together as partners on the world stage, from our coordinated efforts in fighting Ebola to our strong stand together against terrorism and violent extremism.
On the 82nd birthday of the Emperor of Japan, I wish all Japanese people prosperity and happiness.
天皇陛下 82歳の誕生日 皇居で一般参賀

天皇陛下 82歳の誕生日 皇居で一般参賀

12月23日 12時10分


