臨時副總統 就職文告
各位女士,各位先生,各位貴賓 :
1775年在費城,美洲大陸議會(Continental Congress)任命George Washington為革命軍統帥,卻被英國人譏笑稱:它只是一群烏合之眾進行一場粗暴的表演罷了!
2013年4月25日,我們代表臺澎住民依舊金山和約、臺北和約、臺灣關係法、聯合國憲章住民自決的原則,於華盛頓DC國際記者俱樂部召開國際記者會,向世界宣告:臺灣住民自主組織臺灣政府,正式成立運作。兩年多來,我們依據國際慣例及程序:召開臺灣公民議會(Taiwan Inhabitants Congress,TIC)通過臺灣基本法(2014.11.20);組成臨時國會,選出臨時總統副總統(2015.07.22);讓台灣自治政府的組織架構日趨完整;以符合國際上解決二次大戰所留下之臺灣懸案(Taiwan Question)的期待。
http://www.oceantaiwan.com/society/20040317.htm (舊金山和平條約SFPT-1952)
http://www.taiwandocuments.org/taipei01.htm (日華台北和約 - 1952)
http://www.ait.org.tw/zh/taiwan-relations-act.html(美國台灣關係法 TRA -1979)
1. 1945年9月二戰結束,臺澎人民守法靜待戰後處理,社會尚且安定。10月25日,蔣介石藉《光復》之名,帶領一群中國人,介入島上的民政管理。劫收、殘殺、強奪,無日無之,嚴重破壞了社會安定,台灣人開始在生命威脅及白色恐怖中度過漫長的七十年歲月!
2. 1952年舊金山和約生效,日本放棄臺澎權利、名器、與請求權,但並未將主權移轉給任何國家。英、美、法、加拿大一致共識是:中華民國不能代表中國政府,也不是臺灣人的政府;臺灣法律地位未定;解決臺灣問題必須充分尊重臺澎住民的意願。 http://www.oceantaiwan.com/society/20040317.htm
3. 1984年美國國會參議院外交委員會通過「臺灣前途決議案」,主張日後臺灣住民在自由意志之下,自組政府建立國家時,任何人皆不得干涉或阻止。
4. 1986年在美國國會壓力下,蔣經國主導成立民主進步黨。本土臺灣人得以進入中華民國體制內,爭取臺灣人從政的權利。然而,臺灣人進入中國憲政體制內運作時,衍生出國家認同的嚴重矛盾,形成毫無國際法理意義的統獨鬥爭,誤導了全體臺灣人的政治判斷,進而導致政治社會失序,兩岸經貿失衡及南海軍事危機,波及亞太地區的和平與安定!
5. 04-03-2014 美國國務院助理國務卿羅素 (Hon. Daniel Russel )東亞暨亞太事務助卿羅素 在參議院外交委員會作證時,提到 Strong United States support for Taiwan autonomy ( 美國對台灣自治自主(autonomy)的強烈支持 ) 美國國務院官網原文: http://www.state.gov/p/eap/rls/rm/2014/04/224350.htm 可以證明被佔領地的台灣人民確有【自治權】無誤。
1. 臺灣自治政府理解尊重美中三公報及一個中國政策,期許目前島上治理當局及中國人民政府(PRC),基於人民生活免於恐懼的原則,勇於面對歷史事實,還原真相,告知滯留臺灣之中國人應回歸中國,完成貴國(中國)的統一大業。
2. 臺灣自治政府將依美國憲法精神,捍衛人人生而被創造平等、及追求幸福之天賦不可剝奪的權利,拒絕過去前《中華民國》的奴役,也拒絕未來中國共產政權的併吞意圖。臺灣將扮演穩定亞太和平安定及國際航行安全的主要角色。
第一,根據舊金山和約,台灣是二戰後美國的軍事佔領地。自1945年9月2日起,台灣人有效忠美國的義務;而美國對台灣的國防安全與人權保障則負有無可推卸的責任! http://www.oceantaiwan.com/society/20040317.htm
臺灣自治政府 臨時副總統 蔡吉源
An inaugural address on August 4th, 2015
By Interim Vice President of Taiwan Autonomous Government
Tsai Chi-yuan (蔡吉源)
Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests:
In 1775 the American Continental Congress appointed George Washington for the commander of the revolutionary army, in Philadelphia, USA. He was ridiculed by Englishmen said: It's just a brutal mob performances, it was nothing! However, historical facts verified the Continental Congress had the great achievements! After seven years (1775-1781) of the War of Independence, Continental Congress created a miracle The Great Country, the proto type of USA was born on the new world of America.
Today, 240 years later, the interim parliament of Taiwan Autonomous Government voted for their political leaders of Taiwan started its first step of leading the people of Taiwan officially , that is the light of hope in the dark age of Taiwan.
On April 25, 2013, we representing the people of Formosa and the Pescadores, announced the establishment of Taiwan Autonomous Government at the Press Conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC. USA, according to the San Francisco Peace Treaty of 1952, Taiwan Relation Act of 1979 and the principle of Self-determination of people of the charter of United Nations. It is the voice of Taiwan to the world, and we believe the voice reached to every corner of the International society for sure. Since then, we started many correspondences to the world as one of the Government.
Two years ago, We have been working on the issue of the international practice and procedure of the followings for almost 2 years time :
1) We held the Parliament of Taiwan citizen (Taiwan Inhabitants Congress, TIC) and ratified the Taiwan Basic Law (2014-11-20).
2) We formed and held the interim parliament, and have elected interim president, vice president (2015.07.22);
3) Since the announcement of the establishment of Taiwan Autonomous Government on April 25, 2013, the daily progress both on the organization and its daily appeals to the international society being clearly observed. We have a strong confidence that the day to have the world recognized Taiwan Autonomous Government is at the corner.
http://www.oceantaiwan.com/society/20040317.htm ( 舊金山和平條約SFPT-1952 )
http://www.taiwandocuments.org/taipei01.htm ( 日華臺北和約 – 1952 ) http://www.ait.org.tw/zh/taiwan-relations-act.htm ( 美國台灣關係法 TRA -1979 )
The interim president and vice president will promote mainly to return to the historical starting point with the help of the friendly associated states, thus, Taiwan may restore its dignity to be respected in the international society, and to take the role in the USA-Japan Security Agreement, Asia Rebalance and Asia Pivot Strategy.
The ROC in exile is labeled as the terrorist of the wanted war criminal of the pending case of war crimes with no statute of limitations, i.e. Formosa Ethnic Cleansing, the 228 Genocides and the Terrorism Colonial Rule in the name of ROC in exile and its stale constitution that are all illegal and the offender of war crimes. There is no room for Formosan without having the duty in the international society.
Now, please allow me to review the truth of Taiwan history that supports our actions in those years.
(1) Between August 15th, 1945 and October 25th, Taiwan kept in very well managed under the self-governing system under the civil volunteers, although it was in a state of anarchy, technically.
(2) When San Francisco Peace Treaty became effective on April 28th, 1952, Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores. It did not say the sovereignty transferred to whom. The consensus of Britain, the United States, France, Canada shown that Taiwan does not belong to the Republic of China nor to the people of Taiwan. The legal status of Taiwan is unsettled. The wishes of the people of Taiwan should be fully respected when it comes to be decided. http://www.oceantaiwan.com/society/20040317.htm
(3) In 1984, the Foreign Relations Committee of US Senate passed the resolution of "Taiwan's Future Resolution", advocated when the people of Taiwan establishing their own government to build their own nation, under their free will, they shall not be interfere with or prevent by any other people.
(4) In 1986 , under the strong influence of US Congress, Chiang Ching-kuo (蔣經國) guided the people of Taiwan to organize the new political party called [Democratic Progress Party = DPP], allowing the native Taiwanese to play a puppet under the staled constitution of ROC in exile.
(5) On April 3rd, 2014, Assistant Secretary of Department of State, Hon. Daniel Russel who is in charge of East Asian and Pacific Affairs testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, referring to Strong United States support for Taiwan Autonomy.
http: //www.state.gov/p/eap/rls/rm/2014/04/224350.htm Evaluating U.S. Policy on Taiwan on the 35th Anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act.
Based on the above historical truth, we have to plan our future to take a position in the blue print of US-Japan Security Agreement, Asia Rebalance and Asia Pivot Strategy.
(1) The ROC in exile of KMT or DPP has no view of the Taiwan future and stay in the living in a befuddled life, regardless of saying they will never have any right to own the sovereignty of Formosa and the Pescadores. After the 70 year long terrorism brain washing education, the most important work is how to re-educate our people of Taiwan, it may take 120 years since Japanese 50 years plus 70 Chinese brainwashing has confused the mind of Taiwan people.
(2) The Taiwan Autonomous Government will based on the spirit of the American Constitution, to believe all men are created equally and the right to pursue its happiness. These rights of Universal value is the inalienable. It leads us to refuse the past Terrorism Colonial Rules in the modern Slavery, and of course to refuse PRC's illegal unlawful claim of Taiwan is a part of China, that is based on the myth fabricated by the armed bandit group in order to terror over the people of Taiwan.
Finally, we would like to emphasize the four points:
First: According to the San Francisco Peace Treaty, Taiwan has been under the US military occupation since September 2, 1945. If it is true, then, Formosan has to give their allegiance to USA and on the other hands USA has the strong obligation to no refusal duty to the people of Taiwan in terms of Security and Human Rights. http://www.oceantaiwan.com/society/20040317.htm
Second: The relationship between Taiwan and PRC is neither the relatives nor the good neighbor. Formosan and the Pescadores were ceded to Japan forever on 1895, according to the Simonoseki Treaty. Chinese put the Mongo Empire (the 13 century) and Manchu dynasty or Qing Empire (1699-1912). These two Empire has occupied China for about 400 years, and it was not the Chinese history. Both ROC and PRC are so-called Han Chinese and were occupied by two foreign ethnics i.e. Mongolian and Manchurian. Between Taiwan Autonomous Government and ROC (in exile) does not have the law of succession, thus, Chinese and Formosan should not be confused to mix together.
Third: Taiwan will strengthen cooperation with Japan, South Korea's foreign trade and economic ties and accelerate FTA negotiation process in order to promote friendship brotherly states. Taiwan will also actively participate in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) “trade” Agreement, and sign with the US Trade and investment framework agreement (TIFA), in order to consolidate friendly relations, economic development, and strengthening defense capabilities.
Fourth: We would ask the United States to normalize the legal status rights of Taiwan urgently. It is wrong to put Taiwan under the control of the Terrorist armed refugee groups and keep the Colonial terrorism illegal rules under the ruined Legal status, de facto, for 70 years. ROC in exile should be terminated before PRC took action of law-fare. ROC in exile has no mind or capability to protect Taiwan. We have to make it clear to the world that Chinese will stand at the side of PRC when they have to choose between USA or PRC!
USA is requested to make a direct dialogue with us, or to give the sign of USA has never objected Formosan to have the President of Taiwan legally, or to accept the pass-port issued by Taiwan Autonomous Government. These simple legal small steps will protect the interests of USA, Japan, Philippines and Vietnams, and to recover the lost land of Taiwan as well as the dignity and honor back to Formosan after 70 year of slave purgatory.
Ref: Passports Carried by Taiwanese People: ILLEGAL since 1979?
https://youtu.be/o2zMj4PYI8E viewed by 436,046 persons.(2015-9-3-am)